Personal details

Gender Male
Age 34
Position Versatile
Status Single
Body shape Athletic
Orientation Bi-curious
Safer Sex Always
Eye colour Grey
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Shaved
Beard Clean Stubble
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Country of origin Ireland
Nationality English
Personality Funny
Identity Just me
How out Not out yet
Pubic Hair Part shaved
Body Hair Shaved
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Glasses No
Smoker Socially
Tattoos A few
Piercings No
Disability No

About me


Hi a straight divorced white male 27 years old straight ex boxer 6ft1 I've never had sex with men before now or done anything sexual with men before now I'm very horny and hung 8inch hard cock I'm willing to pleasure any people that's available to meet me?


My fantasy is to be fuckd aggressive forcefully hard rough and violently untill I start crying out loud in pain and pleasure again and then again an again for hours can u handel this guy's lol?

What gets me hot

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icon-wio Virginass69er has updated their desires and fantasies info
  • 04.05.2018 16:53:15
  • Male (34)
  • London
  • Single
My fantasy is to be fuckd aggressive forcefully hard rough and violently untill I start crying out loud in pain and pleasure again and then again an again for hours can u handel this guy's lol?
icon-wio Virginass69er signed up on Gays.com
  • 04.05.2018 16:24:54
  • Male (34)
  • London
  • Single