Personal details

Gender Male
Age 56
Status Single
Orientation Bisexual
Zodiac sign Cancer

About me


i am 42 5`11" tall light brown hair bi but love men looking for sexual relationship still in closet


multiple men at the same time cumming in and all over me

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icon-wio Fruit_Cake commented on an article
  • 13.07.2015 21:49:33
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5 reasons why it’s good to masturbate!

Spanking the monkey, five knuckle shuffle, hand shandy: call it what you want, masturbation is something the majority of us guys do on a regular basis, but it still remains somewhat of a taboo.
A quick round robin in the Gays.com office showed that although we admit to doing it, not many of us More… actually discuss our one-handed habits with our queer chums. There should be no shame or guilt in self-pleasure - as you'll see below, actually the benefits are plenty. So, read on: it’s time to take matters into your own hands!
1. The more you wank, the more sex you want
The idea that more masturbation will lead to a decreased desire for nookie is a load of old nonsense. And we’re got the science to prove it! When you ejaculate, dopamine - the ‘pleasure’ chemical - is released. It’s also addictive, meaning your body craves more of it, so you have increased desire to cum again to feel more dopamine in your system. It’s just like eating chocolate (which also releases dopamine): when you eat one piece you’re quickly heading back for another! And an orgasm is the biggest non-drug blast of dopamine there is.
2. Last longer in bed!
Ever heard the phrase 'jerk it before you work it'? If you’re feeling horny, play with yourself a couple of hours before you have sex, and you’ll help delay the chance of premature ejaculation when you finally get down and dirty! Sometimes if you’re going for a hook-up or sex date with a guy, you can get so turned on by the situation itself that you tend to shoot ahead of schedule. So have a play prior to meeting to put some rocket in your pocket and you’ll not disappoint your partner and embarrass yourself by offloading early.
3. You won’t go blind. In fact, masturbation is great for your body...
Spanking the monkey regularly relieves stress and keeps everything about your body— heart rate, blood pressure, reproductive system, brain chemistry — in good shape. A 2003 Australian study found that men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer. Regularly flushing your system, so to speak, keeps your semen healthy and prevents the build up of cancer-causing chemicals. So there you go. Another reason to reach for the Kleenex.
4. You won’t get any STI's
OK, a bit of ‘me' time is not always as exciting as ‘we’ time, but at least you’re guaranteed not to get any annoying infections downstairs.
5. Stay happy!
Masturbation also releases feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins into the body, so it helps you to de-stress, relax, and can help fight depression. It can also help you fall asleep if you’re having trouble drifting off. So next time you’re feeling down, bang one out and help to put a smile on your face. Hurrah!
Top Tip: Work with your non-master hand
Confuse your brain by tossing off with your non-master hand. Since it’s more difficult connecting the feeling to your brain this way, it’s closer to the real thing than anything else when you’re alone. It’ll almost feel like someone is doing it for you.

Fruit_Cake i masturbate at lest 3 to 4 times a day on a slow day and rub it all the time for the last 43 years and fantasizes about men every time i love doing it and will always do it thats not including sex i masturbate at lest 3 to 4 times a day on a slow day and rub it all the time for the last 43 years and fantasizes about men every time i love doing it and will always do it thats not including sex
Like · 13.07.2015 21:49:33