
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 37
Status Single
Height 175cm
Weight 82kg
Body shape Average
Orientation Pansexual
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality American
Personality Loving
Religion Spiritual
Identity Just me
How out Totally out
Body Hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Virgo
Smoker No
Tattoos No

About me


names Jase Hmmm.. I'm a really chill person, and I love meeting new people. Most people enjoy talking to me and being in my presence because I'm unique, but in a good way. :) I love meeting new people so care to add me that be fun and lets see where the fun goes.


For me to know and for you to find out if you message me. ;)

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icon-wio Boisowicked has picked up their birthday gift
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked uploaded new photos
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  • Boisowicked
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked has picked up their birthday gift
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Boisowicked wrote something in the Gay Forum

well luc572 you aren't close to me are you?
tinytomp I am 30 years old as I put in my question...lol
Ernest_craig where you from?

icon-wio Boisowicked wrote something in the Gay Forum

Forgot to say I am in Maryland fyi

icon-wio Boisowicked created a topic in Icebreaker Zone
Name is Jason or Jase,
I am a Pansexual guy more Gay then anything but i do like some women. But my question is I have never been into the LGBT Community as far as going to clubs, Pride Parades, Dupont Circle and other things like that. I live with my parents sadly but would like to adventure out More…and go do LGBT community things but don't know where to start. What kind of suggestions would you give a guy like me? I am a 30 year old on disability with no friends at all because they all moved away so it's like I don't know what to do lol. Any Advice would be great.
Like Sexyprettyboy, Tinytomp112233445566, Dudz and 1 more… · 5 Replies
Boisowicked ➦ Boisowicked quote luc572: ❝I am interested❞
➦ Boisowicked quote Tinytomp112233445566: ❝Hi how old r u Jason❞
➦ Boisowicked quote Ernest_Craig: ❝It is nice to meet you. well if you are looking for friends to hang out with keep me in mind. Geel free to send a friend request.❞
well luc572 you aren't close to me are you?
tinytomp I am 30 years old as I put in my question...lol
Ernest_craig where you from? ➦ Boisowicked quote luc572: ❝I am interested❞
➦ Boisowicked quote Tinytomp112233445566: ❝Hi how old r u Jason❞
➦ Boisowicked quote Ernest_Craig: ❝It is nice to meet you. well if you are looking for friends to hang out with keep me in mind. Geel free to send a friend request.❞
well luc572 you aren't close to me are you?
tinytomp I am 30 years old as I put in my question...lol
Ernest_craig where you from?
Like · 12.03.2017 5:18:29
Boisowicked ➦ Boisowicked quote Boisowicked: ❝Name is Jason or Jase,
I am a Pansexual guy more Gay then anything but i do like some women. But my question is I have never been into the LGBT Community as far as going to clubs, Pride Parades, Dupont Circle and other things like that. I live with my parents sadly More… but would like to adventure out and go do LGBT community things but don't know where to start. What kind of suggestions would you give a guy like me? I am a 30 year old on disability with no friends at all because they all moved away so it's like I don't know what to do lol. Any Advice would be great.❞
Forgot to say I am in Maryland fyi
Like · 12.03.2017 5:16:46
Tinytomp112233445566 Hi how old r u jason Hi how old r u jason
Like Dudz · 08.03.2017 18:29:56
Boisowicked entered new photos to the Best Butt Contest photo contest
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