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We all love it hot and dripping. But if you really want to turn up the heat, explore the scorchio scenarios of Wax Play. This key part of BDSM involves melting and then dripping candle wax on to the body. Whenever one plays with fire there are of course risks. However, the pain/pleasure dividends can be intense and one of a kind. Not deterred? Great. Reach for the matches and reignite the dying embers of your passion.
Anal is overwhelmingly associated with gay men. Taking a back door delivery is considered the main event when it comes to shaking those sheets. Indeed, one can feel like a Bad Gay if one isn't into it. Or, heaven forbid, does it badly. But fear not. Relax that Sphincter. Prep for a damn fine porking. Here’s all you need to know about How to do Anal.