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do you believe in love at first sight?


Immediate physical attraction has happened to me many times but many times people fall in love with me after they touch me and feel me and then usually more happens there. The physical part about I have experienced usually does not work out for me and never has. I believe it can happen but seldom does. I think it is more lust at first sight than anything and if you have enough in common to make it all come together than it is love at first sight and second sight and forever.


I also believe that many times some may mistake lust at first sight for love at first sight. Personally, I do believe in love at first sight. I can's say it happens with all people, but I do believe it happens. The first time I saw my wife, I knew there was something about her that just struck my heart in a way I hadn't felt before. I had lusted for a person before, but this was not lust. I wanted to know her, I wanted to be around her. 16 years later, I can still remember where I first saw her, what she was wearing that morning, and even how she wore her hair that morning, and I even remember those friggin boots she wore that morning lol. Even better, I can still smile as I remember that day.
Yes.... I believe in love at first sight.


That's so special Susan and I do assume you are still together. I still have not found it even though I thought I did a couple times. When you know there is something special that turns you to the love moment is truly love at first sight but if the other does not reciprocate the same feelings then it just does not work out.


Jeanie -
Yes, we are still together )
I think that if she did not reciprocate, I would have been crushed; but, at that point, I don't think it would have been true love at first sight. I also believe that when that happens, it's because one has found his/her soul mate. I guess I also believe in soul mates )


I've never experienced love at first sight til I met my wifey. Nor have I ever been in love. I've liked people a LOT but have never loved them. I finally found out what it is like and I'm 49 years old.
And you're right, Susan. People mistake lust for love and it's sad cuz once the physical attraction slows to the daily loving of someone, the one in 'lust' may want to just move on. I've been in 'lust' but never in love.
At least I admit it and let people know from Jump Street.


You are absolutely right.... being in lust is not only very different from being in love, but a lusting relationship is not as real, as meaningful, or lasts as long as a loving relationship.


Marukah and Susan - I agree with you both. Lust never lasts but true love can only grow stronger when two people truly love one another. There are so many songs written about it. " Love will keep us together" Captain and Tenille and I think they are still together. and the saying "love can conquer all" is true too. True love sees us through the worst of times and gives the best of times wonderful memories.


Like when your partner gets sick and can't use the bathroom and you're the one to assist in that matter, collecting AND cleaning after them.
Been there; done it; will do it over and over again.
That's love.

  • 2 weeks later...

love at first sight..... hmmmmmmmm. YES! if not i wouldn't be with the most amazing woman in the world... true love is when a couple fights and say afterwards... "when we fight it makes us a stronger couple, and when we love it makes us a closer couple" now i believe thats true love.. ever since she said that i didn't have a doubt in my mind she wasn't the one for me.


I have something to input about love too. I am young, and haven't been in the dating arena for very long, but I have been through quite a few people. But I think I have found my soul mate. We fight all the time about being together, yet we are not complete unless we are together practically 24/7. And we have both tried to move on from each other, yet we still need to be together. And it isn't necessarily lust. It is mostly companionship. And I have survived in our twisted way when he has gone through five girls and I have gone through a few guys and a few girls too. He has stuck with me when I was sick from alchohol poisoning, food poisoning, and recovery from a major surgury. I have stuck through his when he was sick with basically the same things, only having the flu many more times than me. I think it is love, only because of the actions between each of us, and how we both trust each other above EVERYONE else. So yes, since we basically fell in love before physically meeting each other cause our personalities fell together so well, love at first sight excists. Only with my situation, we fought for two weeks before finally getting together just because we thought it was too soon to get together. And almost two years later, we are still physically together. Still trying to move on, but I think we will probably fall back together again, and this time have a relationship like yours, Lubov. ^_^


i dont know. its something that i wish was true. but ive never experienced it. so i dont know what to think about it


love at first sight doesn't happen to everyone... but it doesn't mean you don't love that person just as much or even more.


me, i don't believ love is a very common thing among many ppl
and to say ppl find love at first sight, nah, i don't see how
more infatuation, or lust, i know plenty of ppl feel it when they see someone
you like there body language
and if you get to know them that may help the chemistry
but no, love at first sight, i don't think so
unless it's like a sixth sense? in some way?


Well Slyvia Wines I wish you the best. To me a good relationship does not always have fighting in it. My parents have fought all their lives and as a child it has been pure hell. I believe as a relationship grows there should be less argue ment becuase you know what the other wants and respect that.
To be dedicated to a relationship through all the hard times is good but just realize is it dedication like my parents have, or is it truly love. No one should live in an atmosphere where there is always strife. I see my parents addicted to their misery and bickering and I hate it so much. If it is exhausting for me can you imagine what it does to them. My mother has spent an average of 2 stays in the hospital every year I when I was growing up so I know it affected her. It affected our whole family and most of all the denial of what really went on with the way my mother treated me. So when you all are sitting quietly and not arguing Slyvia talk to each other about your anger towards each other and resolve the issues you seem to argue about the most as it should not be reaoccurring on the same subjects. Because if it is your not learning from you falling outs and then there is the respect thing too.

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