
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 25
Status Single
Height 178cm
Weight 79kg
Orientation Bisexual
Ethnicity Latino hispanic
Zodiac sign Aries

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


I’m 23 I look like a thug but I low key wish I had a pussy I’ve been stretching my Asshole since I was 14 I need some crazy anal I can take Anything I have an apple and a tomato In my
ass right now
check out my only fans free for limited time


I always imagine myself getting tied up and have someone put apples in my ass and make
go out in public with my add filled

Gays.com gives you…

...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in El Paso. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

icon-wio Kirby uploaded a new photo
  • 20.06.2022 14:48:22
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
  • Kirby
icon-wio Kirby uploaded new photos
  • 20.06.2022 6:36:16
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
  • Kirby
  • Kirby
  • Kirby
icon-wio Kirby wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 19.06.2022 22:23:10
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
Anyone near texas

I’m in El Paso tx I’m a little shy I haven’t completely came out like that but I’m into sum freaky shit … you can txt me if you want (915) 265-9682

Like LasciviousEyes · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Kirby posted a status update
  • 19.06.2022 22:19:43
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
I need someone to shove some shit in my ass my arms are getting tired
icon-wio Kirby uploaded a new photo
  • 19.06.2022 22:19:11
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
  • Kirby
icon-wio Kirby uploaded a new photo
  • 19.06.2022 16:29:07
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
  • Kirby
icon-wio Kirby uploaded new photos
  • 19.06.2022 10:01:55
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
  • Kirby
  • Kirby
  • Kirby
icon-wio Kirby uploaded new photos
  • 18.06.2022 22:56:12
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
  • Kirby
  • Kirby
  • Kirby
icon-wio Kirby wrote something about himself
  • 18.06.2022 20:53:03
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
I’m 23 I look like a thug but I low key wish I had a pussy I’ve been stretching my Asshole since I was 14 I need some crazy anal I can take Anything I have an apple and a tomato In my
ass right now
check out my only fans free for limited time
icon-wio Kirby shared the desires and fantasies
  • 18.06.2022 18:01:57
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
I always imagine myself getting tied up and have someone put apples in my ass and make
go out in public with my add filled
icon-wio Kirby has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 18.06.2022 17:40:05
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single
icon-wio Kirby signed up on Gays.com
  • 18.06.2022 17:23:27
  • Male (25)
  • El Paso
  • Single