I am usually laid back and maybe shy. I usually game/watch youtube and do sports like archery, I am also def very horny at times.

I am looking for an 18-20 yr old chub nerd looking for a first time sexual encounter.
I prefer hairless or smooth chubs, especially ones taller than me. Latino or Caucasian as well are preferred. An average size dick is ok, although a dick a little larger than that but fat and girthy would be awesome as well as big balls to play with. As far as what we would do there could be a variety of things. Ideally I want a tense situation involving cuddling, grinding, kissing, foreplay starting with clothes on and slowly stripping for a good while before doing oral or handjob/footjob type activities. A long lasting session is something I'm striving for with this. This would be my first time, so I may not know the proper ways to do everything or be the most effective at things which is why I am looking for a person in a similar situation so we can learn and figure it out together. Unless u live in my town I won't be able to get to whatever location you reside or any place you would want to do this at but if you could plan a location somewhere in haubstadt that would be vital. Can't wait to do this for the first time! I, like others hope that this experience will rival future experiences as far as enjoyability. Make sure to message, I am going to be very busy this month but I can find time to to do this somewhat easily. Make sure it will be easy to verify your age. may not be able to respond immediately. I will respond if you look attractive as far as my preferences go.

Sex & Hookups18 to 20 years ● 75km around USA, Haubstadt 2 months ago
Going Out & Nightlife30 to 67 years ● 165km around USA, Fresno 2 months ago

Similar preferences as er

There was a time – back in the dark ages of the closet – when LGBT books were deemed so “perverted” that they’d be covered in brown wrapping paper, and you’d have to have them discreetly mailed to you or visit a back street store. Talk about a covert operation! These days, most book stores have a LGBT section: there you’ll find the respectable literature but also an array of filthy fables to flick your bits to. And thanks to the genius of Kindle and other e-readers, you don’t even have to worry about those pages sticking together anymore.
The history of art is full of nudes: male, females and everything else in between. Queer photographers like Robert Mapplethorpe broke the rules and revolutionised attitudes to sexuality and race. Now, thanks to digital photography we can all do the same. Whether you’re snapping away on your iphone camera and sending it across cyber space to titillate your partner, or putting together a professional exhibition, you’re the editor of your own body – and other people’s. Just be careful with all the new tech available, however – you’ll be surprised how easily you can accidentally upload your private snaps to a shared Dropbox!
Long gone are the days when you had to visit your local porn store for a VHS tape concealed in a discreet brown paper bag. There’s endless LGBT porn of every conceivable variety available on the internet now. And then, of course, thanks to Smartphones everyone is a potential porn director. But before you channel your inner Chi Chi La Rue, make sure you’ve got permission to record your partner - and when you break up try and resist broadcasting the footage of your sessions on YouPorn: there are laws against that type of revenge, as tempting as it may be.

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