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Do you believe... - Love and Romance

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that there is someone out there for everyone? Bit of a vague question I know, but as of late the question has been on my mind quite a bit, so thought I would ask everyones opinion. Sorry if this has been done a trillion times before!


yeah, call me a hopeless romantic, but i believe there is one perfect person for everyone xx

I absolutely believe there is. I think everyone has a life partner. It may be early in life. It may be late in life. But I think if everyone keeps and open mind and their eyes open to it, there is a partner for all of us. Some people choose to stay alone. They make that choice themselves and that is their prerogative if that makes them happy. It would def not make me happy. But I do believe being alone becomes a choice at a certain point in our lives.

yes i do believe there is someone out there for everyone! definitely

Yes, I most definitely believe that there is someone out there for everyone. Although I have yet to find someone for me but I have hope that someday I will.

Yes ^^ I believe ^^ even though I have not found yet, but I still believe

You all will guys. As long as you keep an open m ind. That doesn't mean keep looking either. Big difference. When you are constantly looking it seems all the good stuff passes you up. I know for me when I stop, I have a lot of interesting and beautiful women poppin up here and there Make a lot of good friends that way too. I have met some of the bestest of the best friends here and on other sites for gays and singles. So at the very least you can build your friend pool by hanging out on sites like this one. That's'why I'm here.

So stop looking. Betcha you get some hits then. Keeping and open mind will keep you willing to see your forever when she presents herself to you,so you dont pass her by. I can sometimes tell by looking at someone for the first time if there can be a spark or not.

I do believe there is someone out there for everybody I 2 am a hopeless romantic so yes I do

Tina, I try to keep an open mind as well as an open heart. I go through life enjoying every moment.

Yes it is ma it's something u can't explain

yeah same here... I am hoping I do find that person!

Don't go looking too hard for them because you might overlook them. Just go through life with a smile, open mind, and open heart. Love will find you.

I believe there is someone out there for everyone. In fact I believe I already found and lost though. NO one else compares.

i believe that there is many people for everyone, theyre just very hard to find!

I believe in soul mates and I too am a hopless romantic

No, actually, I don't. I don't believe that there is one soul mate for each and every person to end up with. I don't buy the bullshit. Quite honestly, I think of it like this: I love my friends, see? And they are from all walks of life. There is no PERFECT friend for me. I have friends that are completely different and love them both to the same extent. This is how I feel about love. I mean sure, it's different, but really there are so many types I could absolutely adore, so many possibilities of "perfect," and with the world being so full of what ifs, I honestly don't think there is just one specific person for me to find.

That being said, I have iron faith. Not spiritual or religious or anything like that, but more like this sense or feeling that I will find someone who makes me happy. I DO believe that is true of everyone. Everyone will find someone, or maybe even several someones throughout their life, that makes their life better or more enjoyable and helps them to grow. And maybe some of those perfect relationships will end. Doesn't mean they were any less perfect. Life is beautiful, even when a part of that beauty doesn't last for forever. =)

My opinion is that everyone has that perfect person. Just when they happen to cross your path its going to be unknown. I have thought I found her once before but I was wrong I think she was my stepping stone to perfection. I also think true love shouldn't be sought after. It'll just happen.

This is my believes....be happy .. enjoy life... n maybe on the long run god has something in store for u.

@Angela you have a good point nothing is guaranteed and you should enjoy life.

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