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Tot ple de cossos suats 🥵 Intercanvia experiències en banys termals i saunes.

icon-wio peiscola193 created an entry in Saunes & Banys termals

Similar preferences as Saunes & Banys termals

Too often we use our hands unthinkingly during sex. Or worse yet, we don’t use them at all. Cast your mind back to your teenage years and those first fumblings. All that youthful discovery. But over the years, many of us have forgotten what we can do with our hands. Time to remedy that.
Tell a straight person this is a place where men can have endless anonymous sex in an array of private cabins, darkrooms, glory holes and communal areas, and their fascination will know no bounds. These places are generally unique to gay men, though some saunas holds nights for lesbians. The size of the steam room is beside the point. You’re not going there to open up your pores, but to open up another part of your anatomy – or someone else’s depending on your preference. Get lucky, and you may bump into a porn star; but on a bad day you can pace the corridors for hours looking for that elusive fuck.
It may not be the most beautiful part of the male body to look at, but the scrotum can be the gateway for endless pleasure. Tug them, twist them, give them a good sucking (‘tea bagging’) wobble them merrily. or if you’re feeling daring place them in the latest cock and ball torture device. Some are like shrivelled walnuts and others like bountiful, low-hanging fruit ripe for the plucking. The sensation of having them played with is like no other: a very delicate balance between pain and a taunting, even excruciating pleasure.