Been on a date with your dream guy who then agrees to a second date? Wanna know how to keep him interested? shows you how.


Keep your nerve

You need to keep things in perspective – and, above everything, don’t panic. If the first date went well, then there’s no reason not to think he won’t want to see you again. But the very worst thing you can do is start jumping ahead and predicting the future. Stay in the ‘now’ – focus on asking him out again, planning what you’ll suggest and how you’ll broach it.

No Desperate Diana

Coming across as desperate is not a good look and must be avoided at all costs. Play it cool; don’t let him know that you’re crazy for him. If he’s that gorgeous, he’ll be used to guys falling all over him. Make yourself stand out by being different. Give it some time – around 24 hours – before you contact him again – and when you do, don’t go into some humiliating diatribe about how magnificent he is and how you long for marriage and pregnancy. There are few things worse than an over eager queen.

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Keep him coming back for more

Cultivate mystery

Are you one of those guys who reveals absolutely everything about himself within the first 20 minutes of meeting a new date? No! Being “an open book” only makes you vulnerable. You need to tantalise him by being selective about what you reveal. Choose your language carefully – play with it, and you’ll see the fascination grow in his eyes. The trick is to drop just enough teasers to keep him on the edge of his seat – and coming back for more. Be seductive, intriguing, and a little bit dangerous.

Big yourself up

There are few things sexier than confidence. Have pride in your achievements and who you are. Talk about some of the things you’ve accomplished – but make sure you don’t over labour them; misplaced confidence or bragging is just plain common. But real confidence comes not from what comes out of your mouth but the way you hold yourself: your walk, your gestures, the spark in your eyes.

Surprise is seductive

Think carefully about what you want to do on the second date. From your first meeting with him, you’ll have picked up some information about his personality. Analyse it. Has he talked about the sort of things he likes to do, where he prefers to go? You’ll be able to glean a lot from his body language and how he has reacted to the things you’ve said. Run with this, and when asking him out again, choose something that is going to impress him, which taps into the sort of things he enjoys. But give it that extra edge – add something unexpected, exciting, a little quirky or zany – something which reflects who you are. That will not only create a talking point and laughter but fuel his interest in you. Confound his expectations, and you’ll get more of him!

second date gay couple
Chemistry and body language are important

Keep your eyes on him

We live in a world of instant gratification. Getting laid has never been easier – and there are so many different choices available. But if you meet someone you like, try and limit your time on the gay dating apps. Your focus should be on revving up the romantic and sexual tension.

If you’re ready for a relationship – and you think you’ve found the perfect guy – you need to start doing things a little differently and slowly re-programming your brain so that it’s no longer stuck in the Town Bicycle setting. If you keep on doing the things you’ve always done, you’ll just get the same results. Make changes, adjust that thermostat – and things will get hot!


Are you in the early stages of dating someone but are stuck in your head as to what to do? Head over to the forum and get some dating advice from the community.




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