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Where would be the best place to kiss her? - Love and Romance


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Recently I got myself a girlfriend and I REALLY want to kiss her, I know we're both ready. But I just don't know the best place WHERE. Any suggestions?


i would try to get her to some place quiet and sort of romantic and and just plant a big tender kiss on her lips and work from there


dont listen to chrystelle lol...the best place would b the place that is speical to both of u thats the best place..trust me its romantic =]


Im half joking for the places anyway, the lips are kinda one of the place id kiss a girl when I really love her. Otherwise, there are soo many places, soo up to you to find ur own!

  • 1 month later...

I agree with Teri. Pick a place thats special to the both of you.
Oh and kisses in the rain arn't half bad

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