Sex & Hookups18 to 34 years ● 55km around Netherlands, Enschede 3 years ago

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It may not be the most beautiful part of the male body to look at, but the scrotum can be the gateway for endless pleasure. Tug them, twist them, give them a good sucking (‘tea bagging’) wobble them merrily. or if you’re feeling daring place them in the latest cock and ball torture device. Some are like shrivelled walnuts and others like bountiful, low-hanging fruit ripe for the plucking. The sensation of having them played with is like no other: a very delicate balance between pain and a taunting, even excruciating pleasure.
Dicks, Wangers, Schlongs, One-eyed-monsters, there are endless names for it, but it’s the love of it – using it, or being used by it – that all gay men have in common. The penis is absolutely everywhere: dildos used by lesbians and trans people are even shaped like them. Are all gay men obsessed with the size of it? The bigger the better? There are, of course, some gay men who (believe it or not) love small ones, but generally speaking, to own up to having a chipolata between your legs is akin to having leprosy for a gay man.
There is a time and place for all sexual mischief. After all, what is sex about if not to keep oneself open to every possibility? As much as we are all fond of a prolonged, furious bangathon, it’s not always practical. Time is precious. A Gay Quickie offers the perfect solution. Fast and frequently furious sex. Sex that takes you by surprise. The joy with the Gay Quickie is that there are no rules. Surprise is everything. As is the daredevil thrill of discovery.

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