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lonely - Love and Romance

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i'm just sitting in my apt and lonely. i want someone to talk to. i feel like i've treated people like crap lately and that they don't want to be around me. who can blame them right? anyways. . . if anyone wants to talk, that would be awesome. i'll be here. . .


aww thanks girls! sorry i'm just now responding. not much is up just finished watching a movie. you?

had a long nite... and found out something that's upsetting to me...

Hi, Lauren!!!

Hello everyone!!!!

Whaz up?

Hope everything works out Zamona.

i just have to try my best to move on... i took a lot and shouldn't have let myself go through those things... i just need to be stronger learn and move forward...


If you need to talk to someone, I am here for ya. I am a good listener.

thank you. but i'm better now than i have been for the last couple weeks. was able to talk to some other people. but i'll keep that in mind. it's always good to have an unbiased mind to talk to.

Your welcome, Zamona. Glad you were able to talk things out with other people. It's good to talk things out.


yeah it is. but it's going to take a long while to get completely over this.

and i'm doing better. . . it finally wore off around 3 ish when ppl were texting me. i have depression hit me hard sometimes. maybe once every 2 months or even less than that. when it does, my thoughts are out of control until i can find a distraction. some of the thoughts get really bad. anyways i hope everyone is having a great day!



shouldn treat ppl like crap..... life's to short to be mean boo boo, cheer up you meet an make new ppl

I read you post at the beginning Lauren. I have treated people badly too and I think we all have some time or another. I try not to do it anymore because I find it too exhausting and it takes less muscles to smile then to frown as they say so think well of people even if they piss you off or if your in a pissy mood. Just shut the trap and reset it so you can grab some good aura later on gator.

Also when we are not happy with our own lives we tend to come across as more bitchy or nasty. It has happened to me a lot through the tough times and then the depression does not help. Getting in touch with my spiritual energy has helped me a lot. We all have goodness inside us all and
we have to do is ask ourselves for forgiveness and keep moving in a positive direction. If we cannot get out of a rut I find writing things down to help me see myself has been helpful. Have a good day Lauren.

hi lauren
hope you had good wkend and you will make lot of friends on here xx

I think we all have experience lonliness in out lives, I know I have -- more than I can count or remember. But I think that friends and/or some sort of support group can also help out and catch you when you are falling.

Sometimes, you feel that there is no one out there who cares, who wants to talk to you, that everyone hates you. Been there, done that.

So if you feel that way that there is no one out there who you can turn to, remember that you DO have a support group --- and it's us. You can always find a friend on Gays.com or a group to talk to. There is always at least one of us that has had the same experiences. Always.

So, you are not alone out there. There is always someone to turn to.

thanks girls

and yea i had an ok weekend. hope you did as well

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