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Long distance relationships - Love and Romance

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ARE ANNOYING AS HELL.... :@ but im in love with my gf...been a year and half now... wanna see her so bad!


Wow a year and a half long distance? No way. I admire you for being able to hold out like that....not me. I have to be with a girl a lot that I am dating...you cant really "date" someone long distance....in my opinion. But good luck to you and like I said. Most definite admiration goes out to you


Yes me 2 ma but I am also dating someone long distance and we get along good we just have to meet the fire and the desire is there and the chemistry is also s what am I 2 do


I find people all the time on here that wanna do long distance, but I need the person to person contact and all that.


yes!! i feel ya kiddie!!

marissa if you dont mind me asking why is it the only gfs you can have long distance???


I know that's right why boo


same here.. i been wit my gf for 21/2 yrs i love her so much we do sharing n everything .. shes my best love! but its hard.. i will see her some day.. i have long distance gf also...


i was kind of long distance with a girl for 2 ish years. it was my 1st relationship actually. i refuse to do long distance anymore because it's not the same as having someone close and that i can see constantly.


I was in a long distance relationship with my gf but i guess we broke up. I couldn't stand the mix of feelings whenever she doesn't answer the phone when she's somewhere or when she's busy doing something. It feels that you are very unimportant and you are busy worrying about her, couldn't concentrate what you are doing and stuff and suddenly she just pop in out of no where telling how sorry she was for not answering the calls and stuff and making you feel guilty for... the amount of miss calls you had in the phone?


All good things must come to an end.


aww man i feel you on that....it makes you feel like maybe you over reacted too much and that it was just a few messed called that maybe she was really busy and maybe your just being clingy...well thats what iv felt, its so hard when its only a long distance thing because its based on only communcation no touching no kissing no nothing just communcation, and it also makes one missed call feel alot worse....sometmes the end of the world!! Dx jkjk haha well maybe :P


OMG... @Lame Gal... thats just like my gf... she disappeared for like a month and i was im done with her... well i needed to be done with her and i even deleted my fb so that me and her cant contact each other! but then just last month... we spoke and sorted ourselves out... !!! Thing is... i culd have moved on... but because i dont know... shes one of those people you connect with and may never find someone like that. (well i havnt yet). i just know that me and her are supposed to in each others lives. girlfriend or not... she has to be apart of my life! Goodluck to those in LDR!


Oh yeah my first relationship was long distance and I've learned my lesson. I refuse to have another one like that again. Idk it leaves you like yearning for the real thing, like someone said earlyer, you need to actually be in each others presence. You need to be able to kiss them, hold them, etc. And @Vee Hunter I know what you went to because that's exactly what happened to me, yeah we didn't work out but now she's one of my best friends. Still, I'm looking for someone who i can actually be with. The distance kills you know?


To me a long distance relationship is more like a friendship especially if you have never touched. They call it a relationship because you relate to one another but to me a true relationship needs some kind of bonding, touching, being together in person. How do we know what is going on 100's of miles away? We don't !!
Some people want a long distance relationship for a reason because they have trouble with true commitment and that is what I have found out with my own experiences. If you are being true to one another my hat is off to you dear ladies but this one just ain't believing it.


My ex and I we were from opposite ends of the Country...I am east coast and she was west coast...The first 2 yrs were a bliss...she would come here for a time and I would go over there....in the 3rd year it was when it started to unravel..her losing her job and me working too much...she was always trying to pick a fight...I told her to come over here for a while to get away and then go and find a job with a clear head but she said no...started working minimun wage jobs...changing every week or days....(she was a press person by profession made very good money) I know she was panicing but would not listen to me ... went down there and it was just different she wasn't taking care of herself...I knew she was hurting but I eventually convinced her to come here and she just was talking in circles noticed she drank alot and was using again....My daughter said mom that's not what I remembered (ex) was she has so changed and she scares me....that was it....told her what was what....(there is alot more but...) in a nut shell...LDR are hard....for myself I realized I need to have the person near by, so you can touch the person...yes there is all new gadgets out there to keep you close but what it comes down to is human touch...for me that is what I need....gees I rambled .... it's that damn verbal diarrhea again....the heat...grins


Oh no Paulette I am a rambler too. I do it to make sure people understand the whole point so I repeat myself sometimes. I bad habit I have but I get compliments from people from my objective thinking style. Yea we are what we are and no acceptance is all part of why there is war. If we all accepted each others different natures, religions, and temperaments there would be happier people in the world. That story about you friend I identify with when it came to being out of work. I went through hard times, but did not get into ***, and slowly I am finding my way to possibly a new career. I will know in a couple weeks. Feel free to ramble on anytime!


Hey there everyone.. I was wondering if anyone had any tips as to how to make an anniversary special when you're long distance? My gf and my 1 year is coming up here in a couple of weeks, and we don't have the money or resources to meet up to celebrate (she's 8 hours away). So.. what do you all do? My mom suggested sending a nice card and just a really long Skype date.. but.. Idk. I want it to be special, ya know? Something we'll never forget. It's our 1 year for goodness sakes!

So yeah.. any thoughts?


a card is nice and you can always write a personal note and add some special coupons(made by you of course)....ie:-one can have a romantic meal, a movie date , a kiss, a hug, an oil massage..or whatever be creative....anything from the heart is the best...and listen to your mom...lol at least you can see her....
and if you don't send the card you can always read it to her....etc.....


Make her a c.d. with all her favorite songs on it.....or edible flowers it cost money but not as much as a plane ticket. lol Send her something special send her pictures of yourself... Nice ones with clothes lmao. Send her something she will be happy to have and keep something that reminds her of you.


Yea I like the edible flowers thing there Dominique and candies and then talk to each other. I even got a movie once for both of us and we watched it at our own places but we put our phones on speaker and talked about the movie together. It was fun.Of course a romantic one is nice one to choose. Ate our special foods we liked, talked about how it tasted and how we would feed it to one another. Any gift to each other is always nice. I wrote a poem for a friend who lives long distance from her girlfriends that are getting married and wrote a poem based on what she told me and they loved it. But that was to two people who were together. But yea a special made card would be cool too.


The girl I'm dating just got offered her dream job 3 hours away, and she'll be moving next month. I never had a long distance relationship so I don't know what to really expect. Anyone have any suggestions?


If u don't know what to expect then go with her that way u want have a long distance relationship

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