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Trouble Finding a Girlfriend?.. - Love and Romance

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It seems like all the girls around me are straight. i dont know where to find a lesbian or bisexual girl. More less one that would want to date me. Do yall have any suggestions?

I feel u girl all the girls around me r straight as well but where r u from I would love to date u and see if we connect like that maybe be even friends and then lovers

Cathy and Chaka, I am also having trouble finding a girlfriend and harder still trying to find lover. What are we suppose to do? Can we all meet along with every one else that is also having a hard time and get to know each other?

There are more of us out there than you realize. Best believe some of those "straight" girls are either closeted or just not the flamboyant type. Trust me. The key is strengthening your gaydar. Mostly this comes with time and practice, but there are lots of helpful clues you can learn. Read the blog "Effing Dykes" (it's awesome, I swear it) for gaydar lessons and overall awesome insight into anything related to lady-lovin. Obviously it's impossible to be 100% certain of anyone's orientation without getting to know them, but tuning your gaydar will help you notice them more all around you.

Trust, my friends. We are everywhere. =)

i believe there are more of us than straight ones... but still hard to find..lol

it really is. im reading the blog Kimberly talked about. it is helpful

ill have a look as well cos im in the same boat as you..

I also agree too, its hard finding someone for me to get to know one because i get really shy at times,,but i do agree with @kimberly they are out there I know i need to be more sociable though. I tried yesterday which seemed good for me! so im gonna try everyday to be a little more sociable!

i am sociable .. but the straight woman mind the talk of the world rather than succumb to love ... when you think u got the right one, someone will talk her out of been gay .. and she just went back to accept the "nature of loving a guy" is the prim n proper things to do ... !!!

I told myself, i dun wan to beg love from a straight woman again ... cause i am having a longer time to heal my heart over and over again .... When start dating a straight woman, the thrill is there .. but once they sit down to worry what will the world and family think of them, they start to change .....

Catty, i am also searching high n low for my partner .... u may consider me ..... *wink*

Yea that is true but I tried it and she said that she was not gone marry a lesbian which is me we have been friends for yrs and I finally told her how I felt last yr and now she said she would marry a woman because she is scared of how her daughters would think of her so what am I 2 do .


Yup there is a bunch of us out there for me is actually easy to knowrest which straight girl is into girls i had great relationships with girls who where "straight" but its hard for them sometimes to admit it bc of what the people might think but my advise is to give them time its alittle more hard for them and if they truly love yu t the end they will stop thinking of what the people might think or say keep ur head up we all gona find our true love
im still lookin for her

i was hurt very badly by a straight gal b4, and even till now, 2 yrs passed, i still misses her .... She was my colleague at my co. We are from different branch and different department. Both of our department is inter related, and that is why, we are always doing communication over the phone and SKYPE. Surprisingly we click instantly from the first chat. From the moment i start to fall for her, i know she already have a bf in the background. Her bf is at oversea working hard for the money. This gf of mine only lives 5 hrs away from me.

She didn't realised that she was openly flirting with me until one day we decide to meet up. Cause all the phone conversation and the SKYPE chatting are getting to be too much for her to handle, and she ask to meet up. As that time i was away to Phil for biz trip, i told her, i will drop over her side during my transit back to my home. She was so excited in meeting up with me but she also feel shy to meet me alone, so she drag her best friend to pick me up from the airport.

I dunno what get into her, but the moment she saw me, she just hug me at the arrival hall and she was so excited in chattering non stop. She was so eager to kick her best friend away in order to spend time alone with me. Lolz ... !!! .. Finally the next morning, when her friend return back to her own house, then finally we both home alone. She start to flirt and seduce me. ... the rest is history ...

From that moment on, we both become steady and start dating for 6 months ++ .. and she started to neglect her bf .. then the problem start .. her family members, friends and everyone know that she is dating another girl. With all the constant pressure from her family and relatives .. she finally choose to be a good gal. She told me, sorry, and we break off. We couldn't even keep in touch and talk anymore. She cut off all communications .. as she told me b4 .. if we still remain as friend, she will not have the courage to leave me again 2nd time ..

Can you imagine, how hurt i was that time .... it took me 6 months ++ to heal .. and to be my normal self . but till now, i am still hoping to see her and just to tell her how much i still want her ... That is why, i do not want to attempt to date another straight gal anymore .. unless God deal me another gal ..... then i will hope it turn out better than my previous one .....

Oh goodness Joni, that sounds a LOT like this girl I knew. She and I were never anything really, but we messed around a bit a couple times. She had a girlfriend but they have like this complicated type of open relationship so it wasn't anything bad there, but she wasn't out to her parents or anybody really and her family (including herself) is EXTREMELY spiritual. So she just decided no more gay, it's WRONG and she had to change herself...well now apparently that is over and she's back with her girlfriend. Oh the world is weird. x)

Also, another motivational story: so I broke up with my ex. I don't wanna come across as the bad guy cuz it seems all you guys were broken up with, you didn't do the deed yourself. But trust me, I had to, our relationship was not good any more. We'd fight ALL THE TIME, about the stupidest shit, and talking about things and trying to work it out didn't work for the several months we tried. She got extremely controlling and had all these anger issues and I could never have a life if I wanted to do one damn thing that didn't involve her. So finally, after nearly 4 years with this girl, I broke it off. She was outraged and depressed and a million different things, for months, and now well this was in January, and now, she's mostly ok, and she's even got all these girls flirting with her cuz she finally took my advice to just get out there. So, go. =) Juuuuuust go.

I know that's rite ma I don't think I could deal with another straight girl after her but she is my childhood friend

Finding a girl is hard where I live too. Not many out ppl and the ppl who r out u don't want to touch! Lol. But I'm lookin for tht girl too. Wat sux is girls usually move too fast and then u think u found the one cuz finding the one is all girls think about so they set theirselves on that girl. I want a girl who can take it slow but still likes to show and receive that affection even if we're not serious. I would love to be able to become serious with them after gettin to kno them first tho. Also I'm a god listener and I give good advice so if ur lookin for a friend or more then inbox me!! :-)

im getting increasingly upset with the girls around here! we talk and talk they say they wanna meet up as i sound pretty cool, take 1 look at my picture and delete/block me! whats the point in looking foe something that has obviously died out years ago..........

I here u Sarah I know that's rite girl fuck'em

Being a Korean and living in Korea
are not so bad, lovely places for shopping, relaxing or having fun, but finding a girlfriends seems impossible here.. Plus being who I am and chrstian.. seem to make it more complex... Can't find anyone where I live..

I hear that ma so r u a lesbian or bi

bi ... I used to live in Australia for about 5 years.. I miss that time...
It was much easier at least.. finding someone to talk with coffee...

Okay ma I am bi but I am moving towards lesbian cause I am tired of the men and they bullshit 4real so what's up

Hah I think it's odd when people who consider themselves bi say things like that. I mean obviously I can't define you, only you can, but at least I would think you'd still be bi even if you only date girls for the rest of your life...I mean the way I see it, these terms we use to describe ourselves are really only super simplified descriptions of our potential to love. For example, I calling myself a dyke to me means that I have a potential to love the ladies, but not dudes, whereas my ex being pansexual more or less had the potential to love anyone at all.

Then again, that same ex also said she wasn't sure if she could date a guy after being with me for so long. But at the same time she said it'd be awkward to be with another girl so soon after we ended. xD Blah, sexuality is too freakin complicated.

I know that this discussion is "closed" but I had to put my 2 cents worth in. I agree with Greamy - it seems like it is impossible to find a girlfriend (I hate using the term "girl" - we are women not girts - it's just another label thrown out there, guys are called boys until a certain age, then they are men but women tend to always be girls - hate that - but that's a different discussion).

When I do meet a lesbian, she is alreay in a relationship. Or if I go to a lesbian bar/club the women go with their partners or they are in a relationship but the partner isn't there for whatever reason or not looking for a relationship. I feel like a third wheel - or at least the one flat tire out of the set of four on the auto.

I know that there is someone out there for me, but many a time I feel like its not meant to be.

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