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Have any stud ever dated a gay guy, cross dresser etc.... - Love and Romance


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It is probably interesting... Some of them are so attracted....

I have never dated a gay guy, or cross dresser, or transgendred. I never will.
I am a lesbian. I know who I am , and what I want out of a relationship. I want to share my life, and my body with a woman. Not a man or someone that identifies themselves as male.

If some one is confused about what they want, or who they are, my suggestion is that they see a therapist qualified to help them in their situation.

how about a transgender lesbian? I get asked that by my straight friends... I've never really met one, so I don't knw.. i dont want to judge..but i just dont think it would be the same..

i'm not really to caught up in all the titles ....but I still think some of them are really cute... just like some studs are really cute to me also.... nevertheless.... i still enjoy both my femininity and masculinity...And I find it appealing when people expose theirs as well... I saw a Transgender male on a talk show one day and he or she looked like alicia keys and exposed a great deal femininity qualities...I am attracted to in a female... and it had me pondering could they take the place of a female... i still haven't made it passed the groin part... because...I enjoy the female groin area greatly...

art is express in so many ways... attitudes and so forth...our duty is to mode and shape ourself to enjoy and appreciate our own beauty and self worth...and hope it appreciated and recognized by others and if not at least we can still appreciate and enjoy ourself...

acceptance of who we are is so important Toni. When it comes to art and entertainment it is a form of self expression but it is a role we choose to show others for entertainment and thats where it ends.
Who we choose to be is our own choice and it is not for others to judge but whether to choose if they accept what they see or not. We have freedom of choice on either end and we all have the right to be happy and do want we want with our bodies. I am open-minded enough to give anyone who wants to be my friend, my friendship just as long as they respect me and I them.

thats cool Jeanie...i like the way you put that...

I don't think since I am a women a gay man would be particularly interested in me, but A transgendered I don't know if I could wrap my mind around it. I'm bi so whats below the belt isn't the issue so much. I guess it depends on if the had top surgery or bottom surgery. I don't think I could be more then curious about what a surgically altered bellow the belt area looks like. Kinda like my best friends Four-skin...I was like I wanna see...hmm strange put it away and went on with my life.

But if it was a man by birth and had top surgery and looks like a female hands down just with a penis( that's well concealed). Again it would be kinda strange but I guess in theory I would save on batteries and I do ofter imagine my girlfriend with a strap-on lol.

Or a female by birth and has pecks and facial hair and looks exactly like a guy. I actually think that would be easier to grasp mentally cause I'm in love with a tom boy now.

Now my head hurts lol I'm jst sticking with my girl lol

Oh yeah and cross dresser I really don't care as long as they look good. I don't want my daughter saying something that will hurt your feelings or my son poking you with a stick......Oh and we do do that. My kids know that as long as they stay in a childs place and can exsplain why they say something then they can say pretty much what ever they want a...tastefully. But keep in mind that my son is 6 and boarder-line autistic and my daughter is a diva

now dat u mention surgery...i think if a transgender male had his genitals converted to a female... and he's really feminine and have his mind right... i would consider dating him or her... it wouldn't matter even if he liked to be called a guy... i still would consider dating him...

before I admitted to myself and everyone else that I was lesbian I would date very femme guys but now that Im secure in knowing who I am and exactly what I want I could never see myself with anyone but a woman plain and simple

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