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long distance - Love and Romance


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does long distance make the heart grow or does it just die in time.
having a relationship is important in some respects but what do you think?

i think people should try casually dating before jumping into a relationship weather they live close or not. i think people can work in a long distance relationship if they want to but the long distance will most likely not last long, weather one person desides to move closer (which i think is more likely to happen), or a break up. if it wasn't for me having a stable job i would go to california were there is more of a gay community.

@Melissa only speaking for myself and from my experience in a long distant relationship, I believe for myself whether i'm afar or near my heart still remains the same, my love does'nt just die out in time...I have a strong heart.It does take two to want to make it work....I know eventually it will be no longer a distant relationship for me because I will move closer to my girl and I know it will be a good move.....and all good things will fall into place.

Hi Melissa, well I dated a woman from Sydney and as you can guess sydney to townsville is a long way....I did this for two years.....both have to be willing to compromise and i so stress that....I was the one who used to give up my holiday leave and get on the plane once or twice every month to go an see her.....she came up to Townsville once in that time....to cut a long story short....the last month before we broke up, she had planned to come up here...but two weeks out she said work commitments meant that she couldn't come up..and to make it worse she didn't even apply for her leave anyway...well we had planner her trip for months before hand....I pretty much cracked the shits...as any one would, because I had spent a fortune on things for her to do while she was here as it was her birthday....so I said ok I would come down again to see her another flight more leave taken and in the end she said she wasn't ready for a relationship seeing as the month before i went down for a job interview as i planned to move down there to be with her.....nice one I said...and then she had the nerve to say that i was being selfish...there was no doubt that we longed for each other...but she had issues with still being in the closet and i don't think she could handle it....its a hard slog but as i said you BOTH have to be in it 100% or it will all come crashing down good luck with it and I hope it works out

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