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why are all the ladies taken? - Love and Romance

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shawnte i'm here to tell you she's out there looking for you wondering when and if she is going to ever find you you will find each other and it will be beautiful when you do

Not all the lovely ladies, There are lots in many places. Maybe you are not looking in the right places or ready for her in this time of your life. Sometimes we need to learn something first. Sometimes I feel like all past relationships were just stepping stones to the real gem. You learn something you need to know. Dont brrood over not finding the right one., shes probably looking for you too.

I'm single, and I have lots of single friends. I don't like being in relationships or partnered up. I prefer being single, so that I answer only to myself, but I do know there is someone for everyone, even a few someones.

Just be patient, the right woman will come along


i feel ur *** in tha same boat.how old r u n where u live

In searching we sometimes want something so bad that we don't see all of the warning signs of when something or someone is not the right one for us. So just take your time...she will come to you and it will be a total surprise. Sometimes its not who we want in our lives, its who we need in our lives...the one you need is being prepared especially for you.

i no what u meen iv been looking for a gf for a while now and everyone seems to be single are they just cheat

i tottally agree with teri and denise...just hard to be patient i know that

Thats like me I've been trying to find a gf for a long time but every girl i ask either says no or they just dont answer and its not cause they're taken its cause they just dont want to go out with me i mean im not THAT bad looking lol


hey mariah you will find the right one when it is time for you too, honest

sorry about this but i have to ask what is a pansexuall sorry i just have no ida what it is

Pansexuality (also referred to as omnisexuality,) is a sexual orientation, characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire towards people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.

Google is my friend

what is the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality?
I mean...there's officially two genders.

I think the difference is when you say bisexual, it kind of infers sex. For example being in a lesbian relationship and being attracted to and maybe sleeping with the odd boy, or being in a heterosexual relationship and having threesomes with the odd girl.

Whereas pansexuality is about love. Falling passionately in love with someone, no matter what biological sex they are.

I don't know if that's the difference in the dictionary, but it is what kind of makes sense.

I don't really like the word bisexual. I never use that word. I would never use the word pansexual either because then people would say huh? lol I prefer to think of myself as fluid. I prefer absolutely and almost completely women, but I wouldn't refer to myself as lesbian because it doesn't fit quite right, even though its been quite a few years since I wanted to date a guy.

So, there you go, boxes are a trap. I am not in any closet and I really don't want to be in a box either, lol. Labels are not for me.

oh and btw, i have a dozen of bisexual friends and the majority of them deeply fell in love with both sexes over the years, and had a truly committed relationship implying love and genuine feelings.
It's not just all about sex.
Being bisexual is actually being able to love just as much a man, or a woman.

I don't think you quite understood what I was saying. I was talking about what people think when they hear the word bisexual. Men automatically think threesome. Some lesbians think, she's not really gay. Bisexual is not really a word that works. Pansexuality works better. The problem with pansexuality is that no body knows what it means, lol

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