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The correct term is Coprophilia. But it’s more commonly known and loved as ‘brown’ or ‘dirty’. Or Gay Scat. And dirty it certainly is. There’s no getting away from it. This fetish is about deriving sexual pleasure from shit. The gooey, stinky stuff that slithers out of your back alley. And if that doesn’t make you squeal with horror, then read on.
For many guys, there’s nothing hotter than the sight of a prime chunk of man beef dressed head to toe in rubber. Known as a ‘second skin’, rubber has the mesmerising effect of making a man look almost naked. Nothing is left to the imagination with Gay Rubber men. Every bountiful bulge is revealed. Each curve awaits the attention of your greedy tongue and inquisitive fingers.
The great thing about water is that other people can’t see what you’re getting up to beneath the surface. There’s something about the sea crashing against your quivering thighs which brings you closer to nature, allowing you to explore that primitive side and any new number of different movements and sensations. Needless to say, safety should be a consideration here: don’t get out of your depth in some dark hidden lake. Baths and swimming pools (preferably private) are perhaps the obvious places to start – and those hot tub parties on sweltering days can get particularly lively.

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