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Cyber Love. Is it possible or naive? - Love and Romance


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I recently fell for someone over the internet, althought many gay men use the internet for cyber sex, in this occasion it was love or shall I call it lust.

The person lives in the USA and I live in London, but during our chats and jokes I got to fancy this person.

Then one day I made a joke and he asked "is this a proposal? Yes is the answer" Wow I felt that finally I had met my soulmate and I was going to go against all ods to get to him.

We spoke over the phone and to my biggest dissapointment he just talked about his ex partners, what a waste of money and time I thought.

Now I have found myself hurt for my own fault and naivity.


you know you can not really belive any thing for real in the internet cause people will tell you all kinds of thins mail you any thing the besy way you could really belive things is set up a couple of face to face meeting spend some time with the person get to know what you are getting in to sure its great to have a relateitonshp on the internet i am try to find some one but you really got be real about this whole thing ok i am srry you got hurt sukie


I agree with Sukie. I met my fiance over the internet. We talked for hours via email then we "met" on SKYPE. After a few weeks of that, I invited her to stay with me one weekend (she travels with her company 95% of the time). That weekend led to 2 weekends a month. I traveled to her and vice versa. We got to know the good/the bad/ and the ugly we chose to put up with. Exes are not our forte but we did speak on them to discuss what we didn't want in our relationship. We have extremely similar goals that we will now reach together. My family and friends love her / as do her family and friends with me. I can't imagine being without her.
If you feel the internet is the best way to meet someone, know it CAN happen - just tread carefully and be wise about how you submit and subject yourself to that person. And ... take your time with any proposals!


you see roberto it could happen and wind up grear look at Marukah it work for her i so happy but you need to take chances and the way to do that is basicly meeting in person and checking yourselfs out to make sure that the both of you are as real as you guys say in the internt love sukie


Thank you both Sukie and Marukah, I think I just ran into things due to lost and why not admit it, loneliness plays a huge part in all this. My last relationship lasted just 11 months and it ended in 2006, so it is more than 4 years now.

Good on you Marukah that you found your soul mate, someone to treasure and love forever. I don't want anyone in my life to sort out my personal issues or my life, but to share life with.

Saying this, although this obviously hurt me and I had to block him from my facebook friends (not because we were being nasty to eachother) but because it was a constant and ***ful reminder of what could have had been.. I am a dreamer and love is my moto.

Thank you both
Much love and light

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