Gay and bisexual men in Minneapolis

looking for interesting & sexy guys for video or public chat like at cafΓ©, then friends/hookups/dates. topics: sciences e.g. psychology, psychiatry; languages & culture; humanities e.g. philosophy; news/world/politics; books/films/series; nature/hikes/outdoors; travel; video/other games; sci-fi/fantasy
Male (33) Minneapolis, Minnesota
Long term serious relationship type of man here. looking to date that will lead to marriage. Hopefully find that special someone to spend the rest of my life with. Positive Vibes Only.
Male (32) Minneapolis, Minnesota

New members in Minneapolis

looking for interesting & sexy guys for video or public chat like at cafΓ©, then friends/hookups/dates. topics: sciences e.g. psychology, psychiatry; languages & culture; humanities e.g. philosophy; news/world/politics; books/films/series; nature/hikes/outdoors; travel; video/other games; sci-fi/fantasy
Male (33) Minneapolis, Minnesota
Long term serious relationship type of man here. looking to date that will lead to marriage. Hopefully find that special someone to spend the rest of my life with. Positive Vibes Only.
Male (32) Minneapolis, Minnesota

New personal ads in Minneapolis

Sex & Hookups ● 18 to 55 years ● 65km around USA, Chicago ● 2 hours ago
New Friends ● 18 to 49 years ● 25km around USA, Paducah ● one week ago

Gay and bisexual men in Minneapolis

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