Gay and bisexual men in Arizona.

Honest and sincere professional guy who is very down to earth. I am up for meeting new friends or dating. I enjoy dining out, cooking, the beach, vacations, movies, theatre or quiet evenings at home with one special guy.
Male (36) Phoenix, Arizona
Retired from the medical industry as and RN then a Practice Administrator. Had stroke five years ago so I take life really easy now. I love to travel and quilt, the assist with my parish in feeding the homeless and the veterans being a veteran myself. Anything else you may ask.
Male (68) Phoenix, Arizona
> I'm looking for love , A tall man who is strong , my love bbc , black men are my turn on but open for other. Looking for boyfriend , and other crossdresser.
Male (45) Phoenix, Arizona

New members in Arizona

Honest and sincere professional guy who is very down to earth. I am up for meeting new friends or dating. I enjoy dining out, cooking, the beach, vacations, movies, theatre or quiet evenings at home with one special guy.
Male (36) Phoenix, Arizona
Retired from the medical industry as and RN then a Practice Administrator. Had stroke five years ago so I take life really easy now. I love to travel and quilt, the assist with my parish in feeding the homeless and the veterans being a veteran myself. Anything else you may ask.
Male (68) Phoenix, Arizona
> I'm looking for love , A tall man who is strong , my love bbc , black men are my turn on but open for other. Looking for boyfriend , and other crossdresser.
Male (45) Phoenix, Arizona

New personal ads in Arizona

New Friends18 to 49 years ● 25km around USA, Paducah one week ago

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Gay and bisexual men in Arizona.

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