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I need a boyfriend - Looking for LOVE!!!

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I need a boyfriend, i hate to be "single"
mierdoso estado de amor "soltero"
eu nao gosto ser "solteiro"

Randy hahaha eso fue tan sarc'astico! Hahahahaa

Not even. ^ ^ Okay maybe a little but I can definitely relate. It's just, I run across the phrase 'I need a boyfriend' a lot and well I kinda stopped saying it. I don't necessarily need a boyfriend; for me it's more of a desire. :3 As a very wise man sang 'All you need is love. Love is all you need".

Then you agree? Because, I know someone with a lot of love to give.

^ ^ Oh you. I'm serious though. I mean, we're both single and yeah actually meeting each other in person would be kinda tricky considering the border difference but hey, I mean no one says we have to have a physical relation right away. It would be nice, yes but why not start as a friendship. That's easy enough. :3

yup! i like the idea of being friends lol!

Awesome. I guess I have a question though: are there no guys you're interested in down where you are? I mean, to me the latino boys are always the cutest but I'm assuming that being 'openly gay' is not necessarily taboo but maybe not as accepted in society there as it would be here. I was hoping you might clue me in culturally. I've actually never been to Mexico so I honestly don't know.

hi maclau, and I'm gay but no one of my family knows! hehehe Mexico isnt really open.... machista

I think I really need a dedicated relationship that will last a lifetime...any help? I am willing to relocate...only if He is the right person

hello leonel...Wat a great name you got...Sounds...****. I love mexico. please check your inbox for a personal message

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