elSac08 Posted December 20, 2010 My last relationship ended so ***fully that I'm afraid to "give" my heart to anyone, and that happened almost 4 yrs ago. I just don't want to go thru that again.
Deleted Member Posted December 20, 2010 I am finding that this is a trial and error type of world. But if we don`t try, i guess we can never err. Of course, we will never know true love either. If we give up, what does that say about us! Hmm. I can`t give up, if i do then they win and i fail. And i am not nor ever will be a failure. If i gave up, my failure would be in who and what i am. Don`t give up guys. Love hurts no matter whether you are in a relationship or not, whether you have friendship or not. One way or the other, and at one time or another, we will all experience the thorns of love. It is inevitable, it is a part of human nature. It is unfortunate, but it will happen. Of course we can all sit back and feel sorry for ourselves, and others will feel sorry for us as well. But in my opinion, the sorriest person is the one who gives up, why! because, he will never find his Mr Right if he gives up. Who am i! I am Kelly, What am i! I am a homosexual man who has so much love to give that it cannot be measured, And what am i willing to do about it! I am going to keep looking for my Mr Right no matter what the cost. Because in the long run, when i have finally found him, it will not only have been worth the work and the *** but i will be the happiest man on this earth. And so will you. Don`t get me wrong, we all feel sorry for ourselves from time to time, but we must not forget to allow ourselves to heal and continue to move ever foreward. And who does it hurt the most if we give up trying, we hurt ourselves the most. And when Mr Right does come along, if we are feeling sorry for ourselves and have given up, we hurt him too, because we will completely walk past him without so much as a second look and that would be tragic. Nope, i will never give up, and i will never give in to self pity.
Deleted Member Posted December 21, 2010 Guys, love will come when we least expect it. It is our decision whether we want to accept it or not. To tell you the truth, I never fell in love before, but I have been told this before. Someone will eventually come. That's for sure. So hold on, Shane. Just remember this quote: "Love is many things. It's varied. One thing it is not and can never be is unsure." Maya Angelou
Pa**** Posted December 21, 2010 What is love Love is when you take away the passion the feeling and the romance in the relationship and find out you still care for the person, its also true that you dont know what youve got till you lose it but its also true that we dont know what we dont know what we have been missing till it arrives. It takes a minute to get a crush on someone. an hour to like someone,a day to love someone, BUT IT TAKES A LIFETIME TO FORGET SOMEONE, True love will come your way one day and when it does grab it with both hands I found real love but it was taken away from me when he passed away but like the saying goes I will never forget them I hope you find your love be patient it WILL arrive GOOD LUCK
Johnny_David Posted December 21, 2010 I would love to have someone in my life again. I just don't think that my heart will allow it. It has built a wall around itself and refuses to let anyone in,because it's afraid of ***.
Deleted Member Posted December 22, 2010 @ Luis Gonzaga, that was off the chain...so deep really nice.. and its all true, very true n everytime I think about love "mariah carey_ love takes times" plays in my head, (sigh)
Jared_Kennedy Posted December 29, 2010 I have a hard time honestly thinking that love is worth the ***. Of course, when you're in love, you are on top of the world, and on one hand, I would give anything to feel that way again. On the other hand, love is just something that messes you up more than you were before, so what's the point? I know I will never be in love again, simply because I can't bring myself to allow it to happen. I honestly BARELY survived my last breakup...I know I can't handle another. The love of my life left me, something he promised he would never do...I don't think my heart will ever recover from that.
Tayo_Ecks Posted December 30, 2010 Happy Birthday,Johnny. Hope next year you will be able to spend it with the right person and people.
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