
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 58
Position Versatile
Status Single
Zodiac sign Libra

About me

I’m looking for:


ive switched to a bottom. i want to turn my butt into a luscious vaginia. its small right now i want it open and able to take big things. how do i strech it?


a skinny guy like me. sleak and small. wants me to satisfy him in every way. I'll lick his ass and swallow his cum. after we've created my love hole he'll hold me face down and firmly fuck my pussy.

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...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Reno. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

icon-wio earl1552 uploaded a new photo
  • 29.12.2021 0:15:06
  • Male (58)
  • Reno
  • Single
  • earl1552
icon-wio earl1552 shared the desires and fantasies
  • 25.12.2021 8:57:36
  • Male (58)
  • Reno
  • Single
a skinny guy like me. sleak and small. wants me to satisfy him in every way. I'll lick his ass and swallow his cum. after we've created my love hole he'll hold me face down and firmly fuck my pussy.
icon-wio earl1552 uploaded a new photo
  • 25.12.2021 8:34:09
  • Male (58)
  • Reno
  • Single
  • earl1552
icon-wio earl1552 has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 25.12.2021 7:25:09
  • Male (58)
  • Reno
  • Single
icon-wio earl1552 signed up on Gays.com
  • 25.12.2021 7:06:37
  • Male (58)
  • Reno
  • Single