Gay and bisexual men in Ajax

We are all on this site because we miss something in our lives to counter for its emptiness. Values, truth and correctness are all social constructs---straight, gay, closet, out; single, married, partnered or committed. Does it matter? We all seek happiness. I am a 76 years old male, from southern European background, considered handsome, fit every where needed, slim with a smooth body. I am looking for a very special friendship complimented with a vibrant and passionate sexual component, with a masculine man in his 50s and older. I am well educated, if that matter, 5' 7", 148lbs, 32" waist, very smooth body and nature provided me well. Making Love should be magic in Paradise, in a combination of mind, heart and body, all blended in perfect harmony. I love sex, a lot, but it is so much better when we make love. Let me summarize facts that should be of interest to you: - I do not want a husband; I want a lover and best friend - I do not want to hinder your freedom; I want to you to value it - I will not be your slave; you will not be my master - If you are looking for a picture you the "person; but if you seek the "the person" you will find the real picture.
Male (76) Ajax, Ontario

New members in Ajax

We are all on this site because we miss something in our lives to counter for its emptiness. Values, truth and correctness are all social constructs---straight, gay, closet, out; single, married, partnered or committed. Does it matter? We all seek happiness. I am a 76 years old male, from southern European background, considered handsome, fit every where needed, slim with a smooth body. I am looking for a very special friendship complimented with a vibrant and passionate sexual component, with a masculine man in his 50s and older. I am well educated, if that matter, 5' 7", 148lbs, 32" waist, very smooth body and nature provided me well. Making Love should be magic in Paradise, in a combination of mind, heart and body, all blended in perfect harmony. I love sex, a lot, but it is so much better when we make love. Let me summarize facts that should be of interest to you: - I do not want a husband; I want a lover and best friend - I do not want to hinder your freedom; I want to you to value it - I will not be your slave; you will not be my master - If you are looking for a picture you the "person; but if you seek the "the person" you will find the real picture.
Male (76) Ajax, Ontario

New personal ads in Ajax

New Friends18 to 49 years ● 25km around USA, Paducah one week ago

Gay and bisexual men in Ajax

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