Gay and bisexual men in Oregon.

Gay or bi sexy men. Intelligent drug free open minded honest and fun men. I love wearing sexy woman’s panties lingerie silk satin and latex. I Love group GAY SEXXXX. I Love Sucking multi COCKS, swallowing LOTS of CUM. I’m Nice and smooth. Yum. Pink my favorite color.I need men that have similar SWAG as me, loves music, loves Gay Orgys, healthy lifestyle, spiritually connected, open relationships, sex with many men in gay bathhouses. Not looking for marriage. I want fuck buddy’s with benefits. Local men in Eugene Oregon. I enjoy dancing. I enjoy shopping at the Eugene Saturday market and looking for sexy gay men to fuck my ass while I’m sucking lots of BIG cocks.
Male (55) Lane, Oregon
A little adventurous. Love having good time with friends
Male (59) Multnomah, Oregon
I'm very sweet and kind very understanding looking to meet and make new friends or more depending on how we vibe together
Male (30) Columbia, Oregon

New members in Oregon

A little adventurous. Love having good time with friends
Male (59) Multnomah, Oregon
Gay or bi sexy men. Intelligent drug free open minded honest and fun men. I love wearing sexy woman’s panties lingerie silk satin and latex. I Love group GAY SEXXXX. I Love Sucking multi COCKS, swallowing LOTS of CUM. I’m Nice and smooth. Yum. Pink my favorite color.I need men that have similar SWAG as me, loves music, loves Gay Orgys, healthy lifestyle, spiritually connected, open relationships, sex with many men in gay bathhouses. Not looking for marriage. I want fuck buddy’s with benefits. Local men in Eugene Oregon. I enjoy dancing. I enjoy shopping at the Eugene Saturday market and looking for sexy gay men to fuck my ass while I’m sucking lots of BIG cocks.
Male (55) Lane, Oregon
I'm very sweet and kind very understanding looking to meet and make new friends or more depending on how we vibe together
Male (30) Columbia, Oregon

New personal ads in Oregon

Sex & Hookups18 to 55 years ● 65km around USA, Chicago 2 hours ago
New Friends18 to 49 years ● 25km around USA, Paducah one week ago

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Gay and bisexual men in Oregon.

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