
Personal details

Gender Female
Age 33
Status Single
Height 161cm
Body shape Average
Orientation Lesbian
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Medium
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality American
Personality Flirtatious
Identity Ursula
Body Hair Shaved
Zodiac sign Taurus
Smoker No

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


When life gives you a hundred reason to cry, show it a thousand reasons to smile.
Stephanie.19.Loves life.
I'm passionate about life,
and I'm ready to live it.
I'm a happy girl who likes to have a great time!
I love going to parties and chilling with my friends.
I'm addicted to peppermint hot chocolate and laughing till I gain abs.
I've changed a lot!!
I realize that living life to the fullest is the best way =)
Summer time is the only time for me♥ .
I seek to fulfill the purpose God had in making me.
I want to push myself beyond the norm.
I seek to stretch the boundaries,
go beyond my limitations and reach beyond my comfort zone.
I long for passion, excellence, courage and strength.
I have a big heart, and I'll admit I'm a good friend to have.
I'll always take your side and be there.
I love everything girlie, and I love being happy. gives you…

Many possibilities! There are plenty of beds to cozy up in or sex parties to try out. (enjoy sex outdoors? Then hop over to outdoor sex in ). Check out Men seeking Men.

icon-wio Stephanie_Sledge uploaded a new photo
  • 21.05.2010 17:27:25
  • Female (33)
  • Portland
  • Single
  • Stephanie_Sledge
icon-wio Stephanie_Sledge uploaded a new photo
  • 15.12.2009 17:08:56
  • Female (33)
  • Portland
  • Single
  • Stephanie_Sledge