
Male (53) Not single

Looking for friends

I am a social person and not into NSA or DL. I am not into 420 or PNP. And I am not into "sup"; please have more to say.
I like social gatherings with lots of people, like picnics, card games, board games, movie & TV night, group sex, etc. I love SciFi and other genres.
I am looking for guys that live close to me so that we can meet up in person on a repeat basis. If you live far enough away that you can't be spontaneous about hanging out then you are probably too far to be the kind of friend that I am looking for. If you live out of state don't bother.
Please have a profile that reads and looks intelligent. Grammar and punctuation is important.

Looking for friends

New Friends35 to 50 years ● 25km around USA, Westland