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What Love and Romance can be - Love and Romance


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I have notice that most everyone is relating sex with love and romance. Sex is an action. Love and romance has to do with emotions. Let me explain what it means to me. When you first meet someone yes all you want to do is get them in bed. But later when your emotions take hold all you want is to learn more about the person. You can not see her enough, When you hold hands your stomach jumps. Flowers cards making the person dinner all lead to the love. And when you have the real thing there is nothing like it. To share your life with one person it is amazing.
Think if you got ill and could not take care of yourself would she take care of you? Love last longer then sex.

I totally agree with you... a loving romantic relationship can exist without sex, in my opinion anyway

Well, passion, romance and love is what makes a relationship on my part. If the passion goes away, it often breaks up a couple. Romance isnt necessary, but im sure everyone love having romance. Sex is just a physical sharing of that passion and love, either you are romantic or not.

I want to thank you all for your comments. It is great sharing ideas and feelings.

Many don't realize the wide gulf between having sex, and making love. As they say any *** can have sex, but to make love with all it's accompanied emotions makes it magical. Also, I am asexual, and just as much romance, love and beauty can exist in a relationship without the heady need, drive, poison of sex.

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