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what to do about mu ex - Love and Romance


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So a was with my ex for about 5 months but we just split a few weeks ago over the most stupid thing ever. I asked if we could give it other go but she said she to intrested in this girl right now to give it other chance and if we do go back it want be anytime. Soon so what should I do?


she sounds like shes not worth it. you may still want her but its like chasing a rainbows end. it would probably be best to try and get over her


If seeing her brings stuff back, then you need to cut your ties to her. She's obviously moving on, so you need to do the same. For your own sake. Not saying it's gonna be easy-believe me, I know this all to well. But it's what you need to do. If it was meant to be, it would've been. There wouldn't be mind games and whatnot. And when you're not looking and you're least expecting it, you'll find the one with whom it's meant to be. Trust me. Best of luck to you!


you know what to do. DO IT! enough with excuses about how hard it is! it's only hard for a little while. where as you trying to pursue something that isn't there will be much more difficult in the long run. set up your boundaries and cut ties with her. she's moved on...didn't seem so tough for her...


Yes u know what to do get over her she is playing with your heart and your feelings


time to move on. Why do we all as humans want something we cannot have.
Grow from the experience Alix and move on to greater things. Your better than to have wishful thinking and mature enough I hope to realize it.
Good luck

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