Over the past few months we’ve been working hard on bringing you a bigger, brighter and better Gays.com - and we’re excited to announce that it’s here!  

With the new look and feel, improved navigation and search, you’ll find the new Gays.com easier to use and explore. We’ve also introduced some great new features - all aimed to give you a better experience and to find exciting dates and sexual encounters.


So, what’s under the hood?

Responsive design
We gave you what you wanted - a fresh new version where you can flirt, chat, date or hook up easily on desktop, mobile or tablet. As we don’t have any app store limitations, you don’t lose all those XXX photos we know you love and enjoy. The new responsive design lets you browse comfortably wherever you are, on whatever device.  



Activity Stream
The activity stream is an exciting new feature. From the logged-in homepage, you can now stay up-to-date with all the people you’re interested in. You can like, rate and comment on sexy photo uploads, get updates from all your connections, check out hot new locations, view new threads and vote on raunchy photo comp entries. And that’s not all; your activity stream is fully customizable - you choose what you see, and from whom.


Profiles and Dating
Profiles have received an improved layout and are now customizable so you can really express who you are. We’ve updated the Personal Ads feature so that you can promote your ad in the activity stream to get more exposure, and added a growing list of sexual preferences, so it’s easier to find someone who’s into the same as you.


Souped Up Search
When searching profiles, the improved larger grid view lets you see more of who you’re interested in before you click. We’ve also made searching for a date a little more anonymous - if you click on a profile and the person you’re interested if isn’t for you, you have 30 seconds to cover your tracks by clicking on the counter around the profile picture.


Places and Events
With Places and Events, you can now view, create, manage and promote your own listings page. So, whether you're hosting an event, private party or an outdoor cruising area to have fun with other guys, we’ve made it easy for you to create, share and own your content.

Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 10.13.21.pngImproved Messaging 
We know it can be a drag to keep opening new windows every time you receive a message, now you don’t have to. With the improved messaging feature, we’ve added chat boxes so you can have multiple chats simultaneously - just open the tab at the bottom right of the screen to open up all your conversations.

There’s lots more to this new release, so feel free to have a poke around! At Gays.com we’re committed to meeting your every need, if you have any feedback, let us know. We hope you enjoy the improved Gays.com.


The Gays.com team







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I love the new website, just asked some friends to join :)

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