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How They Did It - Love and Romance


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Alright ladies,
I wanna know YOUR idea of the perfect dating proposal (not marriage proposal!). How did you ask out your special someone, or vice versa, how did they ask you out? Did you/they follow some intricate, detailed plan, or was it spur of the moment? Or if you don't have a special someone, how would your perfect dating proposal play out?

Let me know

well if you know the person pretty good.. Just ask if they would like to go to lunch sometime or dinner. If she says yes. good then proceed to find out what they like to eat and where. I just went through this. I have a lunch date Tuesday. LOL IT's okay to just ask if they would like to go out sometime.

Depending if you are shy or if you want to just see how things are with kind of check out first, you could ask the person to meet you at the nearest coffee place to get to know one another and then make more plans. New times can mean you can do things like that now. But for a first date, I know I like to come right out and tell them I feel really good being with them and would like to spend more time getting to know them. If she feels the same way, you can set a date to get to know one another. Good luck.Hugs.

Mine was asking my partner to come have tea with me at Alice's Teacup in NYC.... So I went to my first date with her, and found out later it was just a tea with a former class mate to her. :-(

Then later, as we began corresponding, she was suggesting we go out for a jazz club and when I said, that day is my (then) room mate's birthday and I can't, she said "now or never, are we going out or not?!". ... Before I knew it we were living toghether. Have not spend a day without saying I love you to each other since we found eachother to be the lover we were looking for.

That really is just so awesome. It is just getting over that hurdle in the beginning and finding you are falling in love with someone who feels the same way about the same things and understands what your talking about. You are speaking to someone who gets you finally. When you can see everything about you agree and can't stop talking and other things happen... well. I certainly have been very happy. Hugs.

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