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How to get back into the game? - Love and Romance


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well I have been single for a while now, mainly due to the fact that I have a 3 and a half year old little girl, so with her and work I just have no time to find a nice lady. I'm not the kind of person who goes to a club to pull as i have to feel a connection with someone. just wondering if I'll ever find the right girl for me :/ but I'll carry on living in hope

I love clubbing!! I use to go every Saturday but have only gone once since holloween if you go there looking for a "mate" you'll never find one cuz people pick up on your energy and sense desperation. If you go there no giving a fuck and just for the good time and the daaaaancing! It should be easy. Works for me. I haven't gone in a while cuz I've just been ***ting g so much and spending more time w my friends n saving money by throwing lgbt parties at my home. Have your friends bring other lesbian friends and make connection that way. You'll be more comfy in your home and look like the queen cuz he'll its your pad n your hosting the party its solo much fun lol

i don't go out looking for it lol, i have been very happy being single, concentrating on my daughter and my career. i feel that i'm now at the time in my life to let someone new in problem is most/all of my friends are straight......

You are being a great mom by putting your focus firstly on your daughter and also your career to support the two of you I applaud you for that! You already know that you don't want to bring home every woman that you date because that would only be confusing to you little one, so if you are in an area with an LGBT center I would contact them to see if they have any kinds of social activities or even a mommy & me group...or they may be able to direct you somewhere helpful. Even if you have lesbian friends who have mates invite them to a dinner party and tell them to invite other lesbian friends. If you want to PM me I have another idea for you...and I promise I don't bite

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