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pornograhy.. - Love and Romance

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I tried porn once or twice but honestly it is way to fake to do anything for me. I just bust up laughing. Besides a part of me finds it wrong. Porn stars are no better than prostitutes, they just have better contracts and a safer environment. I hate that any women feels the need to do that to themselves.

I agree with Carla. Porn=no thanks. I like to create my OWN porn in the bedroom, even if it is ALONE! LOL!

noooo i wasnt being that way just emphasizing words...lol...gosh i hate typing sometimes haha. I mean own like OWN....does that make sense? Ugh....no not uptight. I do however dislike your comment. I was basically answering her question. No i do not and dont care to. I have my OWN porn show goin on in my mind, which is more than suffice for me at the moment So Beatrice I was just answering her question. Not being uptight. However if you like to think Im uptight, maybe you should get to know me a little better...

You said it Tina. I have a rather perverted mind so it is like a constant movie in there. It has nothing to do with being uptight. I am not uptight at all. I just find porn distasteful. No erotica, that is a different story all together. I could read that stuff all day long. I would just rather not see women degrade themselves so men can get off. 90% of all porn, including "lesbian" porn, is meant for men. We all have things that bother us, and porn is something that bothers me. Just because I find it distasteful does not mean I am uptight.

I agree with the whole degrading themselves like prostitutes. They just get paid better and aren't gonna get ***ed on the set of a movie. Its sad really. And a lot of them hate themselves and have no self esteem. So when I see them, I see the same thing-- I see a sick, sad, drug addict or alcoholic who needs to feed her habit. So no it doesn't turn me on. Plus the women are almost all straight women doing it for money. Sad really.

Whatever. Obviously you've only seen bad porn and have a low opinion about some women. They're not all drug addits and alcoholics as you put it. But you're entitled to you opinion. Sorry I even bothered reading any of this bullshit, let alone replied.

We are only expressing our opinions. Or is it because you just dont like me? Because you have really sort of been on my ass in a few groups lately and I'm not really sure why. Is there an issue you need to get off your chest hon? Is it a butch thing? Were you hurt by one or something? I dont get why your making snide comments in different groups directed at something I have said or done.

I dont care for porn much either. It is kinda degrading. I have a friend who wants to be in porn though and I say all power to you but realize if you have kids your son or daughter could end up watching you on tv and what would you think about that. The harliquins are enough for me...that and my freaky mind. But when I was jst becoming active sexually I used it as research on what guys like and when I was finding my true sexuality I used it as research on what women like lol

I don't dislike anyone, nor have I been hurt by some butch girl, however anytime someone has a different point of view from you girls, wow you come down like a ton of bricks. Chill out, we are all entitled to our opinions despite you not agreeing with them. And I don't think all porn stars whether they're professional or amateur are drug addicts or alcholics. This isn't the first time you all have been all over someone, this time it happens to be me. Get over yourself, heaven forbid someone has a different point of view.

I was using drug addicts as an example in reference to the prostitution comparison. And I'm not nor has anyone else been "coming down" on you or being "all over" you because of a differing opinion. I welcome different opinions. In fact I love it when I have the challenge of a differing opinion. So your accusation of my being over the top with people when they disagree with me is wrong. I like anyone much dont like a confrontation and I feel like you are trying to confront me and start something that just doesn't need to be started.

Based on many of these discussions, only if we all agree with you guys... otherwise it's bam. So please stop projecting your own issues onto me or anyone else. We are all entitled to our opinions, it's you all that jump down our throats and then try to turn it around and make us look like the bad guy. I'm not a puppet or a sheep!

Wow really. What is it that I personally said? I stated my views and thoughts without jumping down peoples throats. I said nothing offensive. Go back and read my messages, if at any time I jumped down anyone's throat I am sincerely sorry. I just went back and read what I said and honestly I see no fault there. All I said was that I am not uptight. Really though I am an adult and it is beneath me to argue with someone on the internet so I am leaving this discussion. At no time did I jump down your throat or anyone else for that fact. Check yourself. To all you other ladies in this discussion, rock on my ***s from other misters.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with getting paid for what you enjoy....

you may enjoy sex but daaaaang... getting it on with a thousand people is gross.. :/ not being mean oor anything. its gross...

Personally I haven't taken the advantage of having sex with A thousand People...But n my Mind if I ever though it probably would be billion of peoples... they are so many beautiful women...OMG....the very thought to even try to think about it makes me loose my mind already....

lol tony ... everyone is different.. goodluck with the million

I don't think it's bad to watch porn when your alone. If you can let your imagination run free while doing your thing, what's wrong with watching everything you imagine on t.v. I would much rather watch videos of me and my partner but you get what you get.

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