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Love - Looking for LOVE!!!


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Some say you’re only allowed one true love, one “Love of your Life!”

I hope not, because that would mean I let love walk away so many years ago. Back then, I wasn’t as strong inside as I am now. I listened to all the wrong people about how real love is supposed to be or how it should make you feel. I didn’t speak up, or even attempt to fight for the love I truly felt inside. I let it slip away.

It’s not that I was weak, I was unselfish. I thought, back then, by doing the “right thing,” that everything would be better. In some sense it was for everyone, but me.

I once read if you let someone go and they return, then it was meant to be, if not then it never was. I guess by now, I’ve finally come to the realization that, “it never was.”

This saddens me greatly.

I suppose I still have that faint light in my heart that won’t go out, like a candle in the night, somehow hoping it will light the way when love returns. A lot of people call themselves, “hopeless romantics,” but I know in my heart I’m anything but hopeless.

I still feel that deep yearning, that unwavering desire, to love and be loved.

It keeps that small light shining in my heart. It keeps me hopeful and never lets me forget those feelings I once had. I have never, nor will I ever, give up on love. It’s the one power that moves me and motivates me through these unsettling times in my life.

“All You Need Is Love,” is not just a song to me, but an anthem that there is still some good left in the world. It pushes me to try harder when life gets too unbearable.

I know love is waiting out there for me. I feel it down to my very soul and with each beat of my heart, I’m that much closer to knowing what true love feels like again.

My soul beckons, my heart shines brighter, and when it is my time, love will finally find a home in my heart.

Until then, I must be patient, I must never give in to doubt, and I must never settle for anything less than the love I know in my heart I truly deserve.

What can anyone say in answer to your letter here. You answered my questions so elloquently that i have no question left except the ones that would make me look like a fool. You answered your own questions as well. I was like that years ago too, i let others tell me what true love was and that it wasn`t okay to love another guy. Boy were they wrong. But i do know still, that my true love is out there, somewhere. My Mr Right is out there, waiting for me, and when i least expect it, he will find me and i will be alert enough to find him. And it will be well with us, he and i.

for years i thought that my happiness depended on finding the one, mr right, and i was sure, there being 6 billion people on the planet, that he must be out there somewhere. in fact, there's probably many mr rights given the ocean of peeps out there. however, i didn't find him and,as a result my heart felt deflated and my soul certainly didn't sing! i felt i had so much love to give, and so hoped to find someone to receive it and repay in kind.

years later, i have a slightly different view.... to find true love we don't need to look outside of ourselves, heaping our hopes on the existence of another, but we need to look inside. unfortunately, this search seems just as hard, but it doesn't rely on someone else.

at times, i have been fortunate enough to feel a tremendous love from within, love for myself (in a totally non-arrogant, non-egocentric way), love for those close to me, in fact love for everyone and everything. when i feel like this, two things happen - firstly i realise i don't have to look outside of myself to feel great. and secondly, when people are in this state of heart, they become more relaxed, less hung up on being single, or self-conscious, etc. and actually become far more appealing to others.

this state is hard to find and just as hard to keep hold of, but with constant work it remains longer and longer each time it is found. i'm certainly no master, but i now know what it is i'm truly looking for and happy in the knowledge that everything else will take care of itself.

best wishes to all seekers of love

Ahh wisdom and knowledge is the best fruit of all. Thank you Matt. I will set my sights upon that line of wisdom and see where it leads me. There was a time, i believe that i was there where you speak of. and when i met a man i kind of lost that or it got put somewhere and now i have to find it again. You are correct, it is hard to accomplish and even harder to keep. And worse yet harder to find a second time, but now that i know what to look for i will find it again. Thank you.

I have to agree with the light in your heart that will not go out cause there has to be some hope somewhere for those looking for love.


You guys are awesome! I Love You All! Always, Bill


I guess when You need Love the most, it's Always there, whether It's what you've been waiting for or not. Love comes in many forms, but it is still Love and must be appreciated for the true blessing it is.

Yes it does It sure is there especially when you need it the most

i recently was introduced to an organisation called Open Hand. they have a very interesting and rewarding perspective on life and all about finding that light within. please check out their website - there's a load of info and some great videos...


love and light to all


Thank You, I will check it out. Always, Bill

Sometimes I really feel like I am alone especially when guys say they want to be with you and then they see pictures of you and say forget it you are not my type I have had a few guys on this site tell me that.I think they are just on here for themselves and they don't care about nobody but themselves too.That is just how I feel and see things especially when they are being said to me.It really hurts when no one has compassion for the really heavy people.

I know he loves me for sure cause I really have a great feeling called love nd so does he. he genuinely cares about me and I care about him too.We are an Item now.

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