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So is there a such thing as loving too hard?? Being overly considerate??Caring?? - Love and Romance

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I just feel in every relationship I give my all,,
And in the end I'm the one fukkd.
I strive fa happiness and to eliminate/prevent the negativity,,
Especially fa the irrelevant shit. That really GRINDS MY GEARS!!
Your Thoughts??


I'm the type that, if I take the time to get into a relationship, when I normally prefer to just have fun, then the person is worth my all. I, as well, seem to get fucked over a lot as well. Actually, every time, lol. But I believe, no matter the outcome... as long as you gave it your all, made the best effort you could and let them into your heart as deep as one could go... then YOU came out on top because they are obviously not worth your efforts and care. Yes, you hurt, yes you're the one in tears, but in the end you WILL find the person worth your all, and it's better to wait and find than waste it on a no one.

Damn man I feel that. I'm just tired of this lonliness I feel after every let down. Believe it or not all my relationships have been long term. I'm trying to fine closer now after 5yrs of seems like WASTED TIME. I wanna find sum1 to love me for me without the extra shit. Preciate the response though,, needed to hear that.

Like so serious....minus the obbsession. But to continue to try to give so much to one that doesn't want to receive it. Yea the healing couldn't come soon enough

I know what you ladies mean.When I'm with someone I give it my all in every way.Then it's like they don't like that any more and find someone that's not good to them.Why is that?

The un answered question of the decade! What happened to sincerity,, realism,, when it came to love?? Guess very few of us are still old fashioned.....**shrugg**

I think you are right there are very few of us.You know open the doors pull out there seat.Show them so much respect .Maybe women now days just don't like that kind of thing anymore.

For real... my ex-gf, kayla, caught me cuz her ex- gf, Jess had just left her/cheated on her 4/with kaylas bff Jake... And kayla was all bout being faithful... so I felt secure w/ her. So we dated, but we never saw each, so two weeks ago we decided itd b easier 2 just b good friends. I hated doing it, but I had 2. And I told her when both werent dating any1, we could b friends w/ ''benefits'' Well, Friday, I saw her and sat her @ football game. She has a new bf, but she said it isnt gonna last, cuz its not working... Then she subtly began rubbing my back, and slyly reached 4 my hand. And she said ''2 bad u cant come to homecoming w/ me'' and earlier that nite she had given me elevator eyes and smiled saying, ''so wut r u doing tomorrow?'' Im so confused... cuz... well... isnt that cheating on her bf? And even worse, Jake told me that she was trying to hold Jess's hand the same nite!!! But man, I love this girl...


Don't ever let someone walk all over you... they do it because they feel low, like no one wants them, but if they can make someone follow them, it's like a boost to their ego. Don't be her boost... don't be what makes her feel good when she can't give you any REAL affection... you should know that you're better than that and deserve to have something a lot more than the run around


I just wrote this... I know what it's like to feel completely empty-------------

In the lining of seams that have surely ripped them ownselves apart, I come to find the *** that has stained this shirt. It's left over, never been bleached enough to just disappear. I live, I breathe, I eat and I do still sometimes sleep... I'm left like a human... but broken like the glass that has shredded the heart that used to beat inside of me. I'm told to get through this, I must talk about it, and I have to grow, find a way to accept the past and stop letting it turn my veins to ice... I'm told I'm colder than I have ever been. If they knew my teacher, they wouldn't question how it happened anymore. Hate to say that I still feel *** pouring out my chest, the same *** that's left in the seam of the shirt I wore when you ripped me apart and created this maggot infested hole.
I see figures in the dark, when I can't sleep and I just stare at a wall or ceiling. I see these figures of a past being replayed, and though the memories happened with you, the face that used to be in them to represent you is no longer there. It's chilling, the way the face stares at me blank. I know why it's blank... because though my love for you allowed me to be hurt, that love is gone, faceless now. So the blank face, it's not to be you, but to just show why I hurt. I'll never create memories like that with another person because I'm afraid to let myself feel that again. You held me, so perfectly, you kissed me like... like passion was born in that kiss and had never existed in this world before. And I don't cry at night because I miss you... I just miss the lie I held in my hand. The lie that layed in my arms, told me of love... the lie of a false reality... well, when that reality becomes real... I'll be to afraid to accept it back into my arms.
The sad thing is, is the lump I feel in typing this, stretching my throat to fit it's extent... it's bigger than ever. This hole in my chest, left from the things you did... well... it's only gonna get worse. Time hasn't done a thing to help me heal... because the person who damned me, is the only one who can save me.

omg... Sarah... amazing... Im a writer too, and this is the kind of songs that take all me to release the ***. Reading this? U have me crying, cuz its so true... Its as though I wrote this bout myself... Especially the ''missing the lie part'' So deep in my heart of hearts... The truth is so relieving to see from another person, surprisingly.... Thank you sooo much!

Damn Sarah,, u let us have it! Fa real,, like I feel that 100%.
Its like to always find yourself submitting and folks walk right over that.
Preciate that encouragement to move forward and stop looking backwards.

And to Meg,, there are too many more fish in the see to fall for sum1 elses
left overs,, realize too that they are trying to fill a void, and don't allow them to use U for that reason either. U got a lot to go through still as far a 'real love' and keeping that 1 that's REAL,, might not be the face you invisioned but don't miss your opportunity being distractd by the BS!


I went through something similar... I started dating this girl I used to date in high school, fell completely in love with, she told me, before I ever told her, that she was in love with me. I've never met another girl I could be so open with and who could read me like she did. Well, she felt the same... and man... I had never felt passion before her. Fuck being in love with anyone previously, I still never felt PASSION... After awhile she told me she had been lying... that I was the only one who could read her and understand her, that I was like her best friend... but she was never in love with me and never wanted to be with me... just didn't want to lose me and thought if she wasn't in love with me like I was her... I'd leave... needless to say... I've never been the same since lol

oh wow... Thanx Candyce... I need as much encourage as I can find, rite now... And Sarah... yeah... Its like, Ill never b the same either... ''Nothing can compare to ur first true love'' (or passion) .... ^^


well... true love is that which comes with undeniable passion... and though nothing may compare... there's always something better if it wasn't what was meant for you

It's bad and hard when I'm always the one giving my all, everthing i can be to be devoted in a relationship, all she wanted was sex. It came to the point where sex disgusted me but i loved her so what could i do? I gave her everything she wanted and in the end she still left. I went trhough several relationship just like that, i gave my all the took it and ran. Then i finally found the perfect girl, the woman i just KNEW was different from everyone else... but i became afraid that she's be the exact same... so i ran. I regret it so much and i'd do anything to undo it...
The whole point of this was to tell you ladies to never stop giving your all, even when your afraid because the one time it matters will be the happiest time of your life so dont mess that up.


I feel you on that, because I know that I'm too scared at this moment. No, I haven't met a girl yet that makes me want to try again... but just the thought that I could, that I might allow myself to be *** again... scares me enough to sit like a hermit inside a cracked shell. I've been trying to get through it, stop ***ing what I surely do want most... but after being hurt, lied to and presented with a false reality that I lived in so happily and dumbly, it's a huge step I'm not so sure I got the strength to take. B


But I don't want to lose out on such a moment... it's like my *** makes me bi-polar...

naw it's *** that makes us rational. makes us stop to think instead of plunging head first of a cliff with a rock bottom. its the nerves that will make sure you choose the right woman

Yeah... See the *** may make me stop and think... but I still take the plunge. And I keep hoping that sumone'll catch me b4 I fall and lift me up... but it never happens... So Im left pretending that those rocks at the bottom, are flowers. Trying to make the most of it... But yanno what? Those roses ALWAYS have thorns...

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