
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 64
Status Single
Zodiac sign Leo

About me

Interested in:


The first thing that I would like anyone who is looking at my profile is, I'm not interested in having a live together relationship with anyone right now maybe in the far off future, I'm interested in meeting up with a few mature men who are interested in becoming very special friends with benefits, I use the word special friends because I have always dreamed of having four or five men who are willing to take me as a sexual toy that is interested in being trained to deep throat their entire length with out choking or gagging as he is forcefully driving his hard cock balls slapping my face deep and if he desires to bring a friend along that he wants me to satisfy that is what I will do ,ever since my first experience with mature men as a young person men who truly demanded certain things of me and a family member made it very clear to me what I would be doing for someone they give me to, I loved the physical hunger that I would be taking care of

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  • 21.03.2019 12:58:52
  • Male (64)
  • Cottonwood
  • Single
icon-wio Cokhound has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 30.07.2018 16:10:05
  • Male (64)
  • Cottonwood
  • Single
icon-wio Cokhound signed up on Gays.com
  • 30.07.2018 13:10:09
  • Male (64)
  • Cottonwood
  • Single