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taking it slow - Love and Romance

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okay so i started seeing this girl a few weeks ago and we decided to take it slow. we both have been burnt by bad relationships. anyways i am really trying to take it slow with her. she is a good girl. she could so find someone better, but thats beside the point. she doesnt smoke, she doesnt drink, ever. i am a smoker and i like to kick back with a beer or two and watch a game. she says its cool that i want to have a beer or two. i have never been with a good girl before. ha most the time i am the good one in the relationship. so we have pretty much seen each other everyday for the last two or three weeks, and i am getting frustrated. sexually frustrated. we do some kissing here and there, but she is not ready to take it to the next stage, so i always leave all worked out with no relief. she knows where i stand on the sex issue. i am a sexual creature. its not that i require sex from her, and i dont want to push her. we have talked about sex, and that she gets just as worked up as i do. she has only ever had sex with two people. she is worried about sex because i have so much more experience than her. i dont see it as an issue. we have sexual chemistry. a lot of it. i just have no idea how to calm her ***s. i am not so good with all that emotionally stuff. i have never had to wait for sex before, ever. i will wait for as long as she needs, but shit. im getting blue balls here. so i guess the question is what can i do, or say to make her more comfortable with sex? there is obvious interest on both our parts, and i know she gets worked up, i can see it, but she always backs off. any advice?


hm mm that's a hard one... i don't know if there is really anything u can say or do.. she the one that has to come over this *** that she has.. all u really can do is be there for her and support her like u have been doing... as long as she doesn't feel pressured or anything like that she will come around in her own time.. as long as u guys keep that open line about sex and just talk about... things will come around..


Try having a stay-over with "no strings attached" to it where you can really chat into the night, watch movies, order in, etc. Her comfort level may increase while the night comes upon you both and since the pressure of going home is not an issue because you'll both be under the same roof for the night, she may succumb to sleeping in the same bed to cuddle. Don't push but don't be surprised if she takes it to the next level herself!


I can relate to her because that's how it was for me and the girl I have been dating in the beginning and if she wants to wait then it's most likely that she also wants to be sure that there is a deeper connection between u two without sex be patient if u feel she is worth the wait, she will notice that and then be ready to take it to another level.... Hope this helps


Thanks. We actually have a camping trip set up this coming month. It will be for five days. We will be sharing a tent and everything so I am hoping if not before then then during the camping trip. But like i said i wont push her or anything. I may be a horn dog, but i am not a selfish one or an inconsiderate one. Thank you all for your info.


Well, one option is masturbation...to take the edge off, right before she comes over is best or right before you see her, or just whenever you get all horned up for her. This will buy you time to figure out the rest. (its hard to focus on "emotional stuff" when horny I know lol)

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