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Some guys piss me off in the first two sentences they say "wanna fuck" or i love you ahhhhhh why can't people just be normal and have a decent convosation its driving me insane

I know how you feel and the ones that do that are the ones that what more then sex they want your money....

i agree with the money side of it to lol

Vlad you are lucky to have the dream guy in your life. I got the oppisite and got drained n have been scared since to be in another relationship

Thanks Maitland.... Well before I found this guy, I was hurt and used many many times!!! You have no idea what I went through! but, it is not impossible. Nice guys are out there, just not easy to find them.


Hi Maitland.....know that feeling only too well. Got drained for thousands of UK pounds. Never again, lol

@Maitland I went through a few guys before I found the one I am with now and we been tgether for 23yrs now so the good ones are out there..Just don't look for them and they will come to you...

Oh david thats sad i got drain thousands of AU and my personality which sucked.
I no what ya saying michael but i waited for the last one i reckon i'll just wait till i'm 30 for the next hope my hand can keep up lol and its good to see that guys can have a long lasting relationship as you have

@Maitland, I know EXACTLY how you feel, except I don't plan on waiting till I'm 30 to be in a relationship (haven't been in one yet). I thought I was in one before but the guy was just using me, WHILE he had a bf at the time.

Trever i hate when i hear that and he is a loser for not being able to break it off with his bf the way i see it if he had to go to you there relationship must of been shit its hard to but sometimes its just best to sit back and laught at those types, waiting till i'm 30 is just a figure of speech cause i'm over the uses thats all,

You don't have to wait until you are 30 Maitland.... Just be careful who you choose, and get to know the person first before even try to have a relationship with him.... Trust me after being hurt so many times, I already know what to do. A good guy is out there waiting for you.

i no sit back and wait and forget about it and it will happen. I also can't belive i turned this topic into a convo about relatioships I'm SOOOO WEIRD lol

You are ok Maitland!!! is just that when you started this topic everybody came to share their own experience. So as you can see you are not the only one that went through a bad relationship with a Gold Digger!!!

true i just felt like i changed it that all

no worrys if someone wants to talk about there relationship and what happen they can..I have seen it many of times in group were it goes off tropic and then comes back..you said it Mait that you need to just wait and it will come to you but don't just sit in your house get out and meet people too...

@Mait, I don't think things were rough between the two of them. He was just looking around for other guys to fuck around with, and unfortunately, I ended up being one of his one time f-word toys.

michael so true it will happen just need to get my bearings in the big city first.
Trevor thats wat i say for people who cheat cause i don't see the point in it if you have to cheat you may aswell break up because the person that he/you/me was with wasn't in hold of his full heart and you need that to have a full filled happy relationship is wat i was thinking

That's what I WOULD like but I have yet to BE in a relationship. At least a legitimate one, not where I get f-word-ed around with and my emotions and stuff messed around with.

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