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Love to love a woman - Love and Romance


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Just recently I had this beautiful woman strike up a conversation with me on another site. Obviously I dont know her but with the first sentence we shared I felt a connection.
My hole being was consumed by her every word and we spoke for 4 hours, neither of us could stop and she said she felt the same.
At the end of our conversation she said she had to go and that she wanted to chat again, I thought great and we said our goodbyes. I mind is driving me crazy cant stop thinking about her, it seems now she has just disappeared, vanished.
I am just amazed at how much I can feel connected to someone from one conversation. How much I desired here and wanted her just didnt seem logical I had no control.
When you go through one to many heart breaks you think you have it figured, i've said to myself a million times 'Dont fall to quick and dont open up to fast'.
It just doesnt work that way does it, you think you develop a thickskin but it's shed in a heart beat.
Obviously this encounter was just that, but i take it as a reminder of how great it can feel to have that wonderful, warm feeling of the flame thats burning inside just waiting to light up mine and some beautiful womans life.
I so love to love a woman!

Hey penny i was really surprised with you opening up about this. All the while i thought that 'connection' thing only exists in my world.. I'm happy to finally encounter someone who can speak of what that really meant and how it felt... Well said Though mine took series of hours of conversations and go for months then i started asking myself, can really be that possible? Can that 'feeling' of connection real, from a Total complete stranger? Well, i know for some they might probably say, you barely know the person? Chatting is very much different from talking to them in real person.. How will u know she's not bluffing you? Well, it takes one to know and understand.. Simply to sum it all, i hear you penny I know just how you feel.. And i so also love to love a woman

Hi Grace, glad to here you also feel that same, Im sick of keeping my feelings to myself about this, I feel pretty safe on this site and Im comfortable with saying so.
I have come across a couple of people on here that i thought werent genuine but as a whole it great.
We are all like minded people on here and I think we should share, our thoughts,
if we dont believe that someone out there has a connection with us, then what are hopes and dreams for.
Your connection that went on for months I hope it didnt burn you, but if it did let it remind you of how loving that special woman can be so wonderful.

Hey. Penny that happened too me I meet this women here we talked for hour's and exchanged emails . First she said right off the back I'm falling for you and it made me nervous, can she be the one . I decided too look her up . And was not surprise too see she's was a scammer from Ghana . . She even asked me too delete my profile , I told her u would not but I did report her . But know that there are real women on this site . . I know it will happen. Just be careful . .

Well as a matter of fact, it did! Lol.. But eventhough things didn't worked out for those past connections i've made through here... I've never regretted anything of it, in fact i was grateful for it.. It's not always that you'll be having that warm feeling of connection towards someone... You are right, you cannot keep yourself locked up inside all the time.. But of course, it is also important to keep up your guard but not to the point of doubting the person all the time.. So just keep on connecting, coz i know true hearts of two souls are just there waiting to be found

Thank ladies for you responses.
You know life is full of surprises and whether thay are good or bad, ill take them all. As long as my life keeps moving forward than I know that connection will bump into me one day.
Just keep on smelling the roses
with each opening petal
there is a beatiful experience.

Yea, I had the same thing too Penny and I agree with Mia. Some people have a knack to get you to open up and the time it happened to me she disappeared for about 3 days after this wonderful conversation,then I started to question myself and then investigated her after she came back to talk again and then she wanted me to show myself naked. So I got out of there as easy as I could without raising suspicion and reported her to my e-mail messenger people. She did try to mess with my account after that and then I did not respond to any e-mail for a week till my account was cleared. Once in a while now I get these messages from others from other countries trying to get me to be their friends and now I just hit the button that keeps them from coming back. Forget at this moment what the stupid word is but you know what I mean. I refuse to accept the invitation.

  • 4 weeks later...

hi penny same thing happpened to me on here we spoke for hours then she said she had to pop out and will be bk in 2 hours she never returned its like she as vanished.then another girl i met online dumped me then said she cheated so i understand where u coming from.

  • 4 months later...

I wish I could say I've had some kind of similar experience with a woman! Maybe I'm just too young? :/

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