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What is Love Anymore? - Love and Romance

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Along the way my idea of love has gotten somewhat disillusioned. My will to trust just isn't there. Before anyone ever had a chance to hurt me and everything was fun and exciting I put everything into the relationship i was in and now i feel that i have nothing left. I hate starting over...the only thing i can say is what is love anymore?
So if you have anything to say that could possibly inspire me or any experiences that prove love exists please comment.

Love exists on this site, I think love is different things for everybody, I know that love for me is pleasing the woman i am with and not just sexually, love is hraing her voice getting excited about a text message, knowing i will be seeing her soon, it' knowing how she feels and taking care of her or maybe just leaving her alone with her thoughts, that can be love tooI will know when that love comes along and you will know too Lindy and will want to put yourself out there again

"lindy" so i get it, and its a normal human reaction to back away from love after a breakup......especially one that u put so much of ur self into.
but here's the thing...u have to let ur self heal first, then u will be able to move on, but it takes time.
dude,,,, u will love again. and u may be a little jaded from ur last experience but love dosent stop at the end of her( ur ex).
and to define love is to define the meaning of life. everyone has a different opinion and different reason for there explanations but its a powerful emotion and it can destroy u or pick u up from the depths of darkness.
only u can define what love is for u.
it is all in how u want to live ur life,,,hurting for someone who will probably hurt u again or heal ur self and move on. its hard but possible...for sure.
and love exists everywhere u just have to look around u.

dont give up on love because you just ended a very ***ful ending to what probably was a very loving relationship in the very beginining. you remember how it felt to be head over heals, waiting for the calls and everything. Well, it can happen again. I am a vetren several times over. Sometimes never wanting to go on, but I am a romantic and want to feel the love between myself and that somone special. Find my heart can be touched and can love. See knew things with someone elses eyes and open up again. LIfe is a renewal like the seasons. It takes times.Reflect on your what you need first and heal. When you have healed then you can move on.

I hear ya, Lindy. I'm in the same boat.. Or was.. I'm just starting to want to be social again and hang out and meet people.. I find I'm still pretty guarded tho, so I know I'm not ready for another relationship. I'm giving myself 5 or 6 months to deal with my unexpected baggage - and I have an option with myself that I can extend that until my shits dealt with, if its not dealt with in that time frame. For now, I'm contented with a few dates, and some friends with benefits.. When my guard comes down, I will start looking for another relationship...

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