Mark_Cutler Posted September 1, 2010 Why can't people just accept us for who we are. Why do we have to hide our feelings for one-another in a public place, just because other people think it's wrong. To Hell with Political Correct. If you see us holding hands or sharing a kiss in a public place, don't point at us like we're some kind of freaks.
Deleted Member Posted September 1, 2010 If you can hold hands in public without risking your life, I'm all for it. Visibility is good for acclimatizing the masses.
Mark_Cutler Posted September 1, 2010 Author I'm all for that Eric, as long as we're not stigmatized for who we are.
De**** Posted September 2, 2010 I think for me theirs no wrong if you holding hands and smack kiss in the public.Because we do that with some of my partner before.Im happy without stepping on others foot,without stepping on their happiness and i want things to be on the rigth way..........
Deleted Member Posted September 2, 2010 That's my point.. if we can do what everyone else does, in public (without being too in-your-face), without being persecuted for it, it will only helps us all in the long run, to not be afraid of being ourselves in public or what-have-you, the way straight people can visibly be themselves.
De**** Posted September 2, 2010 There is no international law to prohibit holding hands and kiss in the public.So, we would be happy no matter what our personality.WE have to express our closeness to our love ones,lets holding hands and kiss thats a part of life.GO!GO!GO! Enjoy your life,be open minded and without being offensive.............
Deleted Member Posted September 2, 2010 ..without being in-your-face in other words... Of course the bigots often consider same-sex smooching and even holding hands publicly as 'flaunting it', don't they? -Things that straights can do and no one thinks anything of it. That's a double standard for sure. No there's no international law, but are there not national or local laws against this type of thing, in certain places? Not that it makes any difference if the local populace (like in Taliban-ruled areas) are against it, law or no law, you've got to be careful. SO glad I'm a Canadian citizen..
Ra**** Posted September 2, 2010 so we can just put the philippines we gays are discriminated..even our family hates us... what should i do...just give my best...i dont care about them..just enjoy my life...
De**** Posted September 2, 2010 My question is whats wrong if you holding hands and smack kiss in street or in the public?sin in GOd?damage in our personality?we be honest with ourselves, do not be afraid to own ghost. You must accept what you are.Why you are not receiving in themselves that you are a gay? i said, not all?There is still predudice.
Deleted Member Posted September 2, 2010 This is such a hot topic. The only time I felt truly comfortable, holding my significant others hand in public, was when we strolled down Church St. in Toronto. Not many other Canadian cities, you are permitted to do this and no one thinks otherwise, for the Gay community there is highly visible, where as in other cities, invisible. Homophobes are everywhere and shall be, regardless. I was raised on "There's a time and a place for this". Granted, I'm all for public displays of affection but at what cost? There are so many other ways to show your affections to your chosen one, discreetly. Adapting the "in your face" mentality can perhaps backfire too. If you must kiss your mate, in public, do it discreetly. Hell, I've kissed my boyfriend in a Tim Horton's parking lot but I made sure, no one was watching us. Gays are tolerated here, for we're still very much in the dark ages. Just use common sense when out and about. Better safe than sorry. It's easy to chat about it in here whereas, in our own neck of the woods, we must endure the stereotypes and bigotry of society, until people wake up and realize, we're just like everyone else. We have partners, significant others, we love, feel and bleed, just like everyone else. Just because we choose to be with a man or woman, doesn't change who we are as humans, it just makes us more defiant in our quest to be who we are. I'm praying that in time, we will all be equals but for now, we need to assert some form of discretion. Our Gay Pride celebrations, inform the general populous that we are a vibrant and strong *** not to be over looked and each year, growing in leaps and bounds. Just be discreet in your actions and use caution.
Lucie-Mary_Russell Posted September 4, 2010 I don't care if others think it's wrong... The way I feel towered a girl are te same as a straight couple so I therefore will display my affection in the same way. Anyone who is against the person I am, needs to take a good look at the world... If it's wrong, then why are so many people gay/lesbian. I'm looking for a proper relationship just like anyone else... I jut want mine with another female.
Mark_Cutler Posted September 4, 2010 Author Yet, Lucie, we still have to play their game by their rules. I agree with everything you say. People should wake up.
Lucie-Mary_Russell Posted September 4, 2010 I make my own rules. And live my way. i refuse to let somone tell me what to feel and how to behave. im lucky in how people have reacted to me... the worst i got was a prank call with some random boys calling me a dykey see you next tuesday, didnt bother me. other people allow these narrow minded morons contol their life and stay hidden away in the closet, tyring to be 'normal'. its sad... i was like that for 4 years... now i wont let anyone belittle me for who i am. I'll play their game, by MY rules.
Deleted Member Posted September 4, 2010 You know, if London wasn't such a Conservative, highly religious, closed minded, bigoted city, then perhaps what you just said Lucy, would be all fine and dandy. When the same sex marriage topic came up, it really knocked this ass backwards city, for a loop. I've seen 2 women holding hands in public. For some strange reason, no one batted an eyelash or gave them dirty looks. Now, change the sexes and allow for 2 men to do the same. You'll get a completely different outlook and quite possibly, a shit kicking. Living here, you must exert some caution or suffer the repercussions of being ostracized. I'm still hearing about gay bashing here. This alone scares me, for I have been gay bashed and sadly, for no reason at all, just for being spotted leaving a well known gay establishment. I don't look gay nor was I displaying I was gay. I just left my favorite gay establishment. I can handle the slang name calling. Shit, most of the time I ignore it. This city really needs a good enema and to come out of the dark ages and accept this culture here. They need to leave religion in the churches and not en***d on us. We need a change of our city's government. We simply need a change. Until such time this happens here, the dark ages will prevail. We've tried playing by our own rules and we were beaten down. So, we go about living our lives, without creating to many waves, for it is safer for most if not all, of us. For those who have forged their own pathway and can march forward, I commend you but, for those living in a city like London Ontario or anywhere, that must endure a risk of the bashing's still, I feel for you. I pray that one day, everyone will be equal. But for now, we'll do what we need to do, just to survive and avoid any further negative confrontations.
Deleted Member Posted September 4, 2010 Well said Krys, if wordy, but you covered everything I wanted to respond to L-M. It's for some reason much harder for us boys to be visibly gay, even here in CANADA.. I've said it before I'm glad I'm a Canadian citizen and not living in some 3rd World country where things are much worse... but it's not perfect here by any stretch.. It's no wonder most gay guys move to the big cities with gay districts, but the problem then is there's even fewer of us in he small towns to make a difference, and as a result I'm still afraid to publicly show I'm gay in any way and as a result of THAT I'm still single and inexperienced. (still I refuse to move to the Big Smoke just out of principle and because I like everything ELSE about this place.)
Mark_Cutler Posted September 4, 2010 Author I know I live in a small town here in the United States, same as you, Eric and Krys do in Canada. I *** that people just haven't gotten it, so far, that we're equals. we should be able to go out in public, without *** of gay-bashers, and getting beat up. It needs to stop all over the world.
Deleted Member Posted September 4, 2010 After 18+ years in "The Big Smoke" I needed a change. I got very depressed when my close friends started to drop off like files. So, I moved down to London. For those of my friends who are still living, they've been to London, have witnessed my new surroundings, are intrigued yet, still don't understand why I chose this city over say, Hamilton, which is a little closer to Toronto. That's why, Hamilton is to close. Even though London needs some growing up, I can handle gay life(?) here. I can't say that I'm invisible here, since my closet doors where blown into smithereens eons ago. I've been somewhat visible when I got involved in highly visible gay organizations here. I've met other gay guys, who are still struggling with the coming out phase, highly nervous since, it's still a huge step. Most have been to the mega city and are intrigued at the openest of simply being gay. Sure you can, there, not everywhere. I guess that's the draw. For me it was, some 2 decades ago. Now, 2 decades later, I'm returning to my days gone by but retaining all my education. I was lucky enough to be a part of the gay liberation movement in Toronto back in the early 80's. Eventually, London will have theirs but for now, we still must endure the dark ages and maintain our dignity without rocking the boat, to much.
Lucie-Mary_Russell Posted September 4, 2010 i think the reason gay male couples get the worse reaction is because men are more acceting to lesbians... for some reason they like seeing lesbians... were as 2 men creeps them out... plus, girls can hold hands as friends we as men dont... its fucked up... one day... we'll all actually be equal.x
Deleted Member Posted September 4, 2010 Exactly... Women seem to have fewer hangups about things than guys do, for some reason.. and straight guys (who rule society) get horny at the sight of 2 women together... for some reason! (as if they have a chance to get in between them??? Hello, they're LESBIANS!), but are turned off by male homosexuality. And their opinions, as members of the majority, become the measure of all things: "Whatever I don't like is bad and wrong, for everyone". Also, the Macho concept, where men have to be the dominant partner, in a gay relationship that means one of the guys has to be submissive (like the woman traditionally was - ie the one 'receiving')... So we have to do away with the idea of Machismo in order to gain acceptance in society.
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