Personal details

Gender Male
Age 77
Status Single
Height 160cm
Weight 60kg
Body shape Average
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Beard Sideburns
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality Canadian
Personality Romantic
Religion Mormon
Identity Stud
How out Totally out
Body Hair Chest
Zodiac sign Gemini
Smoker No
Tattoos No

About me

Interested in:

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Friday Feb 19th, 11, 20:30 Hrs. M.S.T.
Hi Everyone,
Gay Model Railroader & Railfan. Also Enjoy Space/Science Fiction, the Outdoors, Photography
Gay Rights/Events, Politics and Few Misc Items
Email - [email protected]
C 1 403 615 2744 - 24/7
Feel Free to Get in Touch, Any Time.


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