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Still confused. - Love and Romance


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Hello[: So if you have any advice I'd very much appreciate it!

So.. I'm fif***. And I'm still confused on my Sexual Orientation. They first time I really questioned it was in Eighth grade when I was with a bunch of friends (All girls) and we decided to play spin the bottle*-*. I really liked it. So nothing really happened until just last year when I started falling for this girl named "Katie" But here's the thing- we never even dated. Or kissed. She flirted with me ALOT, but about three months into my liking she told me she has had a girlfriend the whole time. And it actually really hurt. But lately my life has been all about girls. Which is weird because I never really got attracted to girls at a younger age. I've been attracted to only men all my life... until now. So.. what do I do? I was thinking of finding a girlfriend and see if I build REAL feelings for her, but I can't date yet. So...I'm feeling a little... oh you know... lost. Any advice? And yes I know I have all my life to find out who I am. But I'm an impatient person I want to know now! Well... thanks for reading my ranting. Haha.

Ok even tho u maybe confused maybe u can jus be open minded and like both I wasn't sure and I dated men and women and it took me til I was 19 to know that I was a lesbian and til I was twenty one to come out to my family. U may jus be a bisexual until u can actually get out there and date seriously u won't be able to be sure,

I was bisexual most of my life then shifted to gay in my 50's. Sexuality can be fluid especially in adolescence. Allow yourself to be undefined until you are convinced you know what you like. Words are just labels and sometimes they do not fit. That is OK.

Tiffany and Greg have nailed it. i'm just going to add don't try and be something you're not, don't let other people convince you anything other than what you feel.

You guys are right. I just need to wait until the right person comes along and then I can go from there [: Thank you very much!

Well lesbian is only a label. Just follow your heart and see where it takes you. You don't need to call yourself a lesbian to know that you like girls.

And I'm 15 too so I sort of know how you feel. But I'm certain of myself, you just have to experiment and see if it feels right. Thats the only way you can be REALLY sure.

Very true Alyssa, I like that quote: "You don't need to call yourself a lesbian to know that you like girls"

At 15, I was still dating men and women, so let yourself try things, don't do anything you don't want to do, and enjoy life. Good luck

:] Thanks guys! My tenth grade year is starting soon so there will be many fish in the sea. (hopefully) But I can always use more advice.

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