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Introduction, Story & Questions

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Hello All

Please forgive me, but I have a lot to get off my chest so to speak and please excuse the frankness as I don’t sugar coat anything.

I just turned 60 not long ago and reflecting back on my life leaves me with questions unanswered as well as deep desires. If I may, I would like to tell everyone a bit about my sex life starting from a very early age. When I was around 6 years old my 1st cousin used to suck on my cock. She was much older than me and unfortunately I never got to see her much as she lived far away. I was so young at the time, but all I knew was how good it felt…and wanted it to happen every time she would visit. At around the same time, my Mom divorced my Dad, and she began to date. One man in particular, and on one night while my Mom was away, decided he was going to suck on my cock. We were sitting on the sofa watching TV next to each other. I was in my pajamas just sitting there when he began to slowly rub my inner thighs. Out of instinct I just opened my legs further. He started to caress my tiny penis, and soon was sucking me. It felt so damn good. Naturally I never told my Mom. He never asked me to do the same to him. Everyone will claim I was molested at an early age. I never thought of it that way, as I enjoyed it too much. Molested being such a “dirty” word.

Many years passed and soon I was in High School. I masturbated ALLOT, thiking back on my early childhood. I had 2 boys who lived close by in the neighbored. One boy became a good friend and we would sleep over at each others house on the weekends. Not sure how it all started, but sex soon entered the picture. We were both virgins from a female point of view, but knew we each liked having our cocks sucked on. So we would suck each other often. This was before either of us would have produced any cum. I would have a orgasm with him sucking me, but nothing would came out. On one occasion while showering together, He wanted to try fucking each other in the ass. I was game, so we gave it a go. Not knowing anything about proper lubrication, I couldn’t get my cock in his ass (we were in the shower, doggie style.) It was his turn and then he tried to enter me. I remember it hurt allot, and he stopped.

Awhile passed and another boy in the neighborhood got to be close friends of mine. We would sneak away at night and suck on each other’s cock. On one evening, I asked if he would fuck me up the ass, and he declined. After a few years, the gay activity stopped as I was re-introduced to pussy. Man ohh man, how sweet it was. I couldn’t get enough. For the next 45+ years I fucked as much pussy as I could get my hands and cock in. I LOVE licking pussy…and do it for HOURS.

My gay activities in my early years have always been in the back of my mind, which leads me to why I’m here. I have not lived or been with a woman in over 7 years now, and live alone. I will confess I started to experience some ED years ago which is probably why my girlfriend left me. I also admit that I watch allot of porn, and to be truthful, I watch gay men more often than not. My cock seems to respond better to seeing large cocks standing erect and spewing cum, more so than watching women.

In conclusion, I have a VERY deep desire to have a firm cock up my ass filling it with hot cum, and to have a man once again, wrap his mouth around my cock and swallow my cum. It’s always been a deep fantasy of mine to have a cock up my ass, and having my cock sucked at the same time-doggy style.

My problem is, I don’t have a clue on how to go about making it happen. I want this soo bad, its killing me. I think about it every day. The 3 way is not of concern, but having a cock in my ass is most important. I’m thinking a good prostate message with the head of a cock is good therapy for me. So I ask for advice- How do I meet gay men willing to do this for me? How do I ask or find out if a man is into sucking cock and fucking an ass? I wont kiss another guy, that I’m not into. I will however suck on another cock if it means it will find its way into my ass.


I’m alone and lonely, and if nothing else, talking/chatting would be an enjoyment. If anyone could offer advice or wish to discuss in private, please PM me and I will provide my email address.


Thanx a whole bunch….

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