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Broken Heart!! - Love and Romance

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My Heart is been broke in a millions pieces...How can one survive when you heart is bleeding and cant make it stop ..so many memories , so many happiness , too many tries to mend it and each one a fail . How can you forgot the person that mean a world to you is like life stop and the universe stay still and you over analyze what went wrong while you heart burns alive inside of you

Well ms lady I wish there was a magic pill for relieving the ***s of heart and trust I have been there. All you can do is reach deep inside you and ride it out this is gonna sound funny but this too will pass. I will put you in my prayers but it's gonna be ***ful for a min just take it day by day and know that you may feel alone but you are not... Much love happiness PJ

Hey Mia, Pamela is exactly right, it may take time, you may even have other partners and still not be completely healed, but in time you will heal and you will be stronger. when people use to say my heart was broken I thought it was just something people said, that was until it happened to me, I honestly hope that you can get through this in a minimum amount of time. I hope your heart heals for someone special who will deserve it and take care of it.

When there is a boken heart, you cry in the shower, before sleep, even during sleep you cry untill you feel drained you never let your mind switch of thinking of the "what ifs" and the "buts" you lay awake at night wondering whether if you did something differently that maybe they would stay, you drink untill you are numb you do stupid things letting out your anger. You go into denial telling people you're okay bringing yourself into a false sense of security get with another to try and bandaid the break but in the back of your mind you know it hasn't worked untill the day you turn on the water to your shower and break down, you fall so hard that you feel your gut twist and get sick. You avoid all your friends and family, but then.. One day, you wake up and...

you feel okay, everythings fine you don't understand it right away but you're happy it's the first genuine smile you've had in months with your friends even family. Because in the end you come out happy, you've moved on. You don't miss them any longer they are just a faint memory. everything happens for a reason, every bad thing happens so a good thing can seem a million times better. you become a better person. Because you don't need them,you are the most important person, you are the person that you need to smile. and let the world smile with you. x

Alright ms X Dang u took me back to my *** of letting someone I loved and lost what u explained it was dead on I often Think why do we even have to love so hard must say the lost leaves one in a lonely place wanting love but not trusting anyone enough to start over. I am still searching for that wm who can be open to really being loved and not still living n the shadwos of an old love where r the real les cause I'm ready ...who else

It will get better everyday. I have been there a couple times.

Thank you everybody!! I was with my girlfriend for 7 years and is been so hard for me to not have her anymore I miss her so much . I feel so empty . She said she still love me but she decide to stay with the other woman . Why did she said she still love me and then sheat on me . I ask her why? and she just told me that some one else got in to her heart. Our relationship was great I mean we have our up and downs but we always forget each other. Well I was always forgiving her because I love her and still in love with her . I dont know what to do. I meet the woman and I was are you kidding me . I mean I am not that pretty but in compere of that woman I was way better then her and I ask my girlfriend what was it that I dont have that the woman is giving her and she told me that it wasnt nothing ,,,, I just dont understand... I still in love with her .

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