Deleted Member Posted September 10, 2011 So I share the same experience as u all.. I'm in love with a soldier of the army.. My love is deployed overseas just as ur love.. They may even share the same company.. My soldier is a very caring individual very considerate and giving in the same taste.. I have. Been best friends wIth my soldier for four years now.. And we haven't been together that long for we began dating Ruhr before my soldier deployed recently.. A lot like some of u.. I feel the same *** and anxiety over the welfare of my soldier, just as you do. I worry about the emotional state of my soldier while trying to maintain my own sanity.. Just as u do.. My soldier wakes up with the birds to workout and attend work through any *** they may have, just as any soldier would.. My soldier is strong.. Has a love for slim jims and beer like any other soldier. They are all alike in so many ways. The only obvious difference is that my soldier is in fact a woman.. Yes, I'm a lesbian woman.. A Proud lesbian woman. I may not be n what some of u consider a conventional relationship but I'm happy.. We re happy. It's hard to assimilate into a society child where you are shunned upon before u are to even open your mouth tO say hello.. I've been sad and lonely with these deployments just as any other army gf has.. I'm really not that much different than from alot of u.. She fights to serve her country, not as a man but as a strong, black woman. I am proud of me , but I'm even more proud of her- My Soldier
Deleted Member Posted September 10, 2011 Author God bless both of u..We are so proud of that..I got ur message,,, Be blessed u and ur words to express myself ....
Deleted Member Posted September 10, 2011 Author Thank you so much Millie , I appreciate any love and support I can receive from you guys.
Deleted Member Posted September 10, 2011 Author That is so true! I pray for the safety of your soldier in hopes that she returns without harm. I know what it feels like in the aspect of having a loved one in the army. Its scary and for what seems like the whole time, you feel alone. Your not. You have people who you can talk to in those times. I am here for moral support and words of encourgement if you ever need to talk. God Bless both of you!
Deleted Member Posted September 11, 2011 Author Thanks Hun I'll definitely send u a friend invite .. It does feel lonely alot of the time lol but I get through it ok.
Bek404 Posted September 11, 2011 I'm not much for words but just wanna say you got support here too. Wish nothing but the best for you and your girl. And thank you
Deleted Member Posted September 11, 2011 Author That's really sweet of u love.. I think ppl are really nice n supportive on this site.. U guys are awesome.. I love it
Deleted Member Posted September 12, 2011 Author Straight or gay, I applaud any and all military personal, especially during times of trouble. At any function that serves food and a prayer given, if no one states it (which, unfortunately is most of the time), I always speak up and have God look after all the military people and their families. They deserve everything good that we, the citizens of the United States, can give -- even if it is a simple prayer. They deserve our prayers, our blessings, our time and money (our tax dollars ARE at work here), our condolences for the departed and their families, to recognize that they are fighting for our country and our freedom, and especially our support. God bless the military and their families -- and let freedom ring!!!!
Jeanie_Baker Posted September 14, 2011 I loved what you wrote there Jeronica. So heartfelt It made me pause. I will say a prayer each night she returns safe. What is her first name if you don't mind me asking.
Deleted Member Posted September 15, 2011 Author I don't wanna disclose her name until after the DADT repeal so let's just call her Dee ..
Jeanie_Baker Posted September 22, 2011 Oh Right! Yes I heard about that on the news. Well I will add Dee to my prayer list so she gets back safely.
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