Muriah_Zseno Posted July 28, 2011 Why am i not that emotional, i mean im a fem an rarely get emoional, but my stud mate, can get emotional on almost any thing. IS SOME THING WRONG HERE? IS THIS NORMAL? SHOULDN I BE THE MORE EMOTIONAL ONE SINCE IM A FEM?
Se**** Posted July 28, 2011 I'm femme, and I'm calm, cool, and collected, lol. I'm pretty steady as she goes. I do have a bad temper, but only when I feel disrespected. I'm definitely not emotional
Ne**** Posted July 28, 2011 Stud or femme doesn't mean emotional or not. It's a quite different thing. You associate the personality with the style of the person. Not cuz you know some less emotional studs, that there is no emotional ones, same for femmes.
Deleted Member Posted July 28, 2011 could also be hormonal....I was not that emotional...but now I see a sucky commercial and get all weepy daughter just grills' s funny...I'll watch sports and get teary's nuts....but all fun....getting to know my fem side....grins
Deleted Member Posted July 29, 2011 emotions has nothing to go with the way you dress its just part of who you are
Am**** Posted July 29, 2011 I am butch and date femmes, but I am WAY more emotional than them usually. I am quite moody. So there is no way of saying who will be emotional by style.
Ri**** Posted July 29, 2011 I am femme fatale and my partner is a lipstick stud. She gets more emotional over anything. But that's not a side everyone sees. That's just how she lets her inhibitions go. She knows I wont judge rather her be expressional than a hard up bitch. So I say that to say this..appreciate ur mate and their willingness to open up enuff to allow u to be trusted and see that side of her.
Jo**** Posted July 29, 2011 lolz ... my partner complain, i am not emotional person. I dun show happy nor sad nor any emotion. I will just follow the flow with the mood of my partner. NEvertheless, i am a good humor person. Am always the person that cheer up the other party. I only know how to express out how i feel when i am annoyed, but definitely will try to refrain from been too emotional. If i love that person, i will definitely tell her that i love her and treasure her above everything else. So, am i emo or not?
Sh**** Posted July 29, 2011 i'm cancerian and definitely emo but i also think whether ppl are emo or not depends on the person, rather than whether they are butch or femme
Ti**** Posted July 29, 2011 I'm butch and I'm a big baby. I'm real sensitive. My feelings get hurt easily. Tough exterior , soft and mushy interior...hehe. Just me, what I say when I am with a woman? "Take it or leave it." HAHA! Hasta ladies!
Deleted Member Posted July 29, 2011 My emotions get the best of me when I get my period (yuck!). Can't ever tell if I'll get all blubbery, get withdrawn, act bitchy, or lash out with my claws. As a nurse, it's hell to keep these emotions in check, but ya do whatcha gotta do.
Muriah_Zseno Posted July 30, 2011 Author Thaks too all who commented You have broaden my outlook on things, truly.
Jeanie_Baker Posted August 1, 2011 I am a turtle. Hard on the outside and then soft in the middle. Yet a times I can watch a sport event that triggers patriotism and team support and I am so mush. I can think very logically but when someone is hurting and does not understand what is going on my supportive nature takes over and I go logical but also warm it up near the end. We are all emotional human beings. Some of us just find it easier to express it more openly. We all feel ***, anger, sadness, happiness, get excited and so forth. Some of us just like to internalize our feelings. Its a different high! or low. I have actually reacted both ways. It matters on who is around. If I am comfortable with those around me I will have a tendency to express myself more. Even if I don't like the people I am around if I feel like I need to express openly I will. So its not like a am concerned about how others think of me it is just how the feeling has touched the room so to speak. Like at games I am in there with all limbs and mouth. Even if I am watching them on t.v. At funerals I have wept if I am touched or have sat silently and absorbed the feelings around me. If it has been things I have experienced many times then I take it in and smile and don't show much emotion. Then there is the hormonal stuff. God I hate that crap.!! LOL I hate it when it causes me to cry and I don't have control over it.
Deleted Member Posted August 2, 2011 I am somewhere between a butch and a femme, whatever that is called (still new to the les life), but I am emotional. I tear up at sappy stuff all of the time, but I can also be like stone. Maybe because I'm a Gemini. I am definitely more emotional once a month, but such is life, I suppose.
MJ**** Posted September 8, 2011 yeah when its that time i get hurt easy, im so soft sometimes its unreal, you cut my vain open and melted chocolate pours out ;o) i am layed back most of the time but if you cross me you will know about it. if anyone hurts my friends or family i flip like crazy b!tch no joke :s
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