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Will we ever get our day?? - Looking for LOVE!!!


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First I would like to say.........HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!,AND THE BEST FOR YOU AND ALL AROUND YOU IN 2011!!.

Now I hate to dampen the party,but as a musican,and writer,and just a curious clinically depressed lonely guy hanging with his two cats and watching the History channel,Questions are bound to pop up. Now I was watching this thing that was asking the question of,"God,or Alien",and I found it quite compelling,and I actually believe science more than the bible,(sorry).

But then I saw one of these E-harmony commercials,(and we all know that they are prejudice against gays),but then there was a "match dot cum" commerical,(and I spelled it the way I wanted it to sound),and just every commercial after that,and I thought to myself..,"Self",are they ever going to show the happy gay family on television? And not just the gay channels,but primetime.

We are people you know. Just like the rest of the world we live,breath,bleed,love,hate,and eat at McDonalds. So why is it that only the the Hetero"s get their time on the tube? Hey, If I'm a married man with a man,and I have a child that is excelling in school,and I have a house,and I pay taxes for unplowed snow,and I'm a model citizen,why can't I be on the swiffer commercial?

Are we a prejudice society. I over heard a lazy co-worker talking with a client and his words were,"Nowadays even fags wanna have the right to get married. Goes to show you were our society is heading". Well my first thought was to walk up and just punch him in the face. He may be big,but i'm crazy and ex-military. Then I thought just counter with a question. In the end I thought,fuck it,have him fired... Seriously folks. I love My country and strapped an M-16 over my shoulder to prove it,but I sometimes think,(Just like the mayor of Philadephia),that we not just turning into a country of wussies,but a country of contradiction,***,and unjustice.


Now all I need is the partner.



I'm with you there Johnny.
But what is 'Million Dollar Drop'? Never hear of it (sorry, I'm Canadian, that might explain it)

Happy New Year, Johnny!!!

Glad to meet a fellow musician (keyboard/vocalist). As for depression... I know the feeling as I am on medication for it. Have been for two years now. I had enough of them today.. threw them away and will never use them again!! Grr lol.

Gay and proud here too. You're partner is out there somewhere, I am certain of that. You just need to find each other. Easy for me to say, I know... guess what I am really trying to say is that I wish you luck in your search.

Have a great new year

Thanks to the both of you guys,and Happy newyear. Eric. The Million dollar drop is a game show where you can win a million dollars for answering questions,and I'm not going to get into it too much,but all these type of game shows always just show hetero couples,and I'm kind of getting tired of the stereotype of what an american should be. Jordan. I read constantly of your new found love,and wish you all the best,and I am right now on medication,but minimal because I hate it..Funny I work with the mentally disturbed.. Ironic..

Hate medication here too, Johnny. I too worked with the mentally disturbed, but had to quit due to a nervous breakdown. Sheeeeesh! LOL. I learned the hard way.

Seriously though.. hope all works out.. take care

(looks at screen....) oops! Happy New Year Ellis!!

I was on meds after my depression last winter/spring, but I got off them too: Besides the shitty side effects, they just didnt seem to work, and I tried 2 different ***. I'm OK now but I still find my mind going back to the events that started it.. This time of year is not easy, but lets hope there's a better New Year for all of us. Cheers everyone.

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